Justice For Kylie

  • by: Brittany Mccoy
  • recipient: PCSO to reopen the death investigation of Kylie

Fb and twitter-@justiceforkylie

I want to thank you for taking the time to read and sign this petition. I want each person who signs this petition to firmly believe in the fact that Polk County Sheriff, at the least bare mininum needs to take a second look into the death investigation of my four year old daughter Kylie Yvette. I want everyone to know that I am a self proclaimed Christian and I take great comfort in knowing my daughter is with our Lord and Saviour. I accept the loss and I believe our Lord allows certain things to take place. That being said, I DO NOT accept how the loss became of my daughter.

It is clear to see and understand that the Registered Nurse taking care of Kylie the night she passed away, made a series of clinical mistakes and she told numerous false statements to law enforcement, to cover up those clinical mistakes and she needs to be held accountable for that. She is the last person to see my daughter alive and I DEMAND answers to my questions regarding the last few minutes of her precious life.

I believe bringing public attention to the details of the insufficient work of a detective, employed by the Polk County Sheriffs Office, will provide me with the support I desire to have to go up against PCSO.

Let me start off by stating that I recieved copies of the reports made by the detective during his investigation. I also collected a transcript of the R.N. statements made to this detective. Also ,the R.N. mandatory nursing notes from the night of 12/26/12. A copy of the EMS report, and I also got a copy of the 911 call made by this R.N., along with the transcript. I will be happy to provide these documents to the public if it means that I will get some sort of justice for my daughter.

After reviewing the report of the deputy(on scene) the night of my daughter's death. My family and I began contacting the PCSO on Jan 6th of 2013. In the deputy(on scene) report it states, he was told by a doctor(Dr.Fisher) at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, that she would sign Kylie's death certificate. However this doctor(Dr.Fisher), who allegedly told that statement to the deputy, is NOT the doctor who eneded up signing the certificate. Infact the detectives summary report states, Dr.Quereshi is the doctor who eneded up signing the certificate.

I set up a second meeting on a different occasion after my daughter's death investigation was closed,with the Detective and his SGT. to discuss why my daughter did not have an autopsy done and to express some of our concerns with the investigation or shall I say lack of investigation. At this meeting there were five people present. Myself, my sister,the detective, SGT Hamilton and another individual of the PCSO, I was told he was a LT but unfortunatley I can not remember his name.

This meeting was very unsuccessful. None of the PCSO personnel were willing to listen to my concerns or answer ANY of my questions. I was told an autopsy was not done because the signing doctor(Dr.Quereshi) of the death certificate felt "comfortable" enough to sign it.

This is LUDACRIS, PCSO medical examiners are the ones who provided the information to this signing doctor. Number one, they contacted a doctor that I had stopped taking Kylie to see, because I did not care for her ways of practice. There are documents to prove Dr.Quereshi was not one of Kylie's doctors over seeing her care, therefore she would have no knowledge of my daughter's current health condition.. PCSO medical examiner put on her death certificate she died of "natural" causes BECAUSE the detective claims he found nothing suspicious of Kylie's death.

We read in the detectives report that this R.N. told the deputy on scene that my daughter was "TERMINALLY ILL". Her making that false statement led the deputy to believe my daughter's death was ineveitable and that there couldn't have been any suspicious activity committed by the R.N Therefore, he initially did not make an incident report and cleared it as a medical call.

We contacted the on scene deputy via telephone on Jan 6th 2013 ..We explained to him that my daughter was NOT terminal, we were not expecting this tragedy and it is concerning as to why this R.N.,who had been to my home on several occasions was telling law enforcement this. After expressing our concerns he generated a report and passed it along to the detective.

On January 31st of 2013 the detective met with myself, my sister, my aunt and my previous lawyer for the first time. My sister was a witness to the tragedy and the only witness besides the R.N. My sister gave her statement to the detective and we provided him pictures of medical equipment that were present at the time of Kylie's death, pictures of Kylie, and pictures of clogged tracheostomy tube, which was the result of her respiratory distress. I also told him I still had the clogged tracheostomy tube, he never asked for it to take for evidence.

Taking our statements he decides to speak with this R.N. She comes to PCSO on Feb 11, 2013 accompanied by a lawyer representing her and the nursing company she is employed by.

After reviewing the transcript it was very apparent to me that the detective was in over his head because the complexity of my daughter's medical conditions, and he was going to need another medical professionals opinion. However, to my surprise, he DID NOT get any other medical opinion, and he even made shocking statements such as, quote "i am kinda ignorant of some stuff" but he still failed to follow up with any of the information this R.N. was providing him with.

My question is, how can this detective even begin to throughly investigate a four year olds death if he openly is admitting he really doesn't understand my daughter's condition? This just doesn't make sense.

How do we know this R.N is not guilty of CRIMINAL MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE if the detective failed to provide my daughter with a thorough investigation of her death?

What it seems like is that a child who had some medical issues, is not worth the detectives precious time to investigate. On page 45 of the transcript you can read the detectives own words telling the R.N he knows it is a "drag" for her to come down to be questioned.

It is also clear by reading the transcript that the R.N. took advantage of the detectives ignorance of my daughter's health condition, and she confused him. She led him to believe my daughter's condition was a lot worse off than it actually was.

The detective, again did nothing to check the status of my daughter's health. He could of pulled numerous medical records from my daughter's doctors and if he had, he would of learned that she had actually came a very long way since her birth and she was continuing to progress. He would of also found out that my daughter was NOT TERMINALLY ILL, as the R.N. once stated.

When the detective questioned the R.N. on making her statement that Kylie was terminal she recanted the statement she made to the deputy on scene and said she said "total care" not terminal. You can find this statement on page 33 of the transcript.

Let me just say this, the terms total care and terminal are completely different and that is a huge change of words that the detective either missed when reviewing his own evidence or he just simply ignored it, like it was of no importance whatsoever. Don't all young children require total care and supervision of their caregivers?

The only reason I can think of as to why the R.N. would lie about Kylie being terminal is in hopes of preventing an investigation being done and an autopsy being preformed. Sadly that's exactly what has happend thus far. If she did absolutley nothing wrong then why are there so many proven false statements and contradictions in her interview with the detective?

I also reviewed the R.N. having some major statements on my mothering skills and bringing up alleged incidents that have absolutley no relevance to Kylie's death. She claims I go bar hopping each and every night. She tells the detective my daughter never recieved adequate care.

She also went on to say I never bathed Kylie, I didn't dress her appropriately, and I never fed her accordingly. She made all these accusations about myself but the detective did not think it was important enough to ask any other person their opinion on how I cared for Kylie.

However he did find it important enough to put her false statements in his summary report. Now THAT is just baffling to me.

I don't care what R.N. is saying to authorities, I care as to WHY she is saying it?, and why didn't she ever report me to DCF if I was such a horrible mother?

She is clearly trying to take the attention off of her and put it on me. She is obviously trying to cover something up.

It does not take a DETECTIVE to realize something isn't right about the R.N. statements.

There is a approximate 15 minute documented gap of time that passed, where my daughter was fighting for her life and she did not call 911 promtly, or give my child CPR, and I DEMAND to know why!

A call was not made to 911 operators until 9:48 p.m. according to PCSO documents, The R.N put Kylie in her bed shortly after arriving at my home at 9p.m. We know Lindsey arrived at my home at about 9:30p.m. according to PCSO documents.

Kylie was already in her bed upon Lindsey's arrival, and we know Kylie was in distress during this time, because of R.N previous statements.

She leaves my daughter in distress and greets Lindsey at the door, immediately asking her if she knew where the cord to Kylie's pulse oximiter was, prompting Lindsey to start looking around the living room for it.

I can not prove, BUT I truly believe she came out of the room to meet Lindsey, to distract her from going back to Kylie's room. She never asked for Lindseys help with Kylie or did she mention to Lindsey, Kylie was in distress and Lindsey NEVER heard any of Kylie's alarms sounding off, indicating Kylie was in distress.

Lindsey told the detective she thought this R.N. could of been silencing Kylie's alarms to keep her from going into Kylie's bedroom.

We now have learned based on the audio tape of the 911 call that this R.N. WAS infact silencing alarms. The ONLY reason that prompted Lindsey to go check on her niece was because she heard the R.N. on the phone with 911!

The audio tape was also not considered by the detective and during my second meeting with PCSO they claim that the 911 call is completely normal!

If you take the time to listen thoroughly to that chilling tape you will find a number of things that were NOT normal.

First and foremost she tells the detective in her statement she started rescue breathing and chest compressions on Kylie BEFORE she ever dialed 911. She even makes a cocky statement about how she certainly would not wait for just a 911 operator to tell her to do CPR. I would hope she wouldn't but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

You can tell the distinctive sound of Kylie's ventilator JUST being disconnected 17 seconds into the 911 audio tape, it becomes disconnected right as this R.N. says the word "disconnect" to the 911 operator, thus meaning she was standing OVER my daughter not doing anything to save her life. There is NO WAY possible to do CPR on a vent child when they are still connected to there ventilator!

Another thing is, how can she claim she was already doing CPR at the time of the call but she actually gets DIRECTIONS from the operator on how to do CPR!!! She asks the operator questions and the operator asks her if she understands what he is instructing her to do!!! Unfortunately you can not hear this on the audio tape because of hippa laws but you can definitely READ it in the transcript of the call.

PCSO claims it is PROTOCOL for her to receive instructions on how to give CPR, excuse me??? Are they forgetting the simple fact that she is a REGISTERED NURSE in the state of Florida??? She IS REQUIRED to provide my daughter with the STANDARD OF CARE in her scope!!! She FAILED to do this.

In my opinion the 911 call was very concerning, the nurse seemed like a person who was in shock. She could not answer the simple questions the operator was asking. It took FOUR attempts to try to get her to answer the question "is the child breathing?" Costing my daughter precious seconds.

Sadly by the time EMS arrived at my home my daughter was already clinically dead. She had no heartbeat. Sadly the cause of her respiratory distress was because of a mucus plug clogging her tracheostomy tube. Kylie's death could of been prevented had the R.N. simply, changed Kylie's tracheostomy tube with one of her spares that were TAPED to the head of Kylie's bed, according to the R.N. OWN words. Mucus plugs ARE NOT uncommon with children on ventilators.

PCSO seems to believe this R.N., when she told them that I MUST have done something to cause the mucus plug. I would like to defend myself on saying, that nothing I did caused my daughter's mucus plug, and quite frankly I COULD CARELESS how the plug came about, I CARE that I now have a dead four year old daughter because of it.

She even states to the detective, at one time she suspected it could have been a plug, THEN why didn't this detective ask her why she did not change out Kylie's trach just to be on the safe side? This would of prevented her from dying!

This nurse ONLY decided to change Kylie's trach after it was too late and at the INSISTENCE of Lindsey telling her she NEEDED to change it. Although Lindsey was very well trained on how to take care of Kylie, why is she needing to tell the REGISTERED NURSE to do a trache change??!

I know it was already too late for Kylie, but I am so thankful my sister MADE her pull out Kylie's trache because that is how we are certain on the cause of Kylie's respiratory distress. The trach that is being preserved in a freezer, STILL to this day has that mucous plug in it. Her death was horrific and senseless.

This R.N. acted reckless by not doing a timely trache change on Kylie.

She also acted reckless by not calling 911 in a timely manner

She acted reckless by not providing my daughter with CPR in a timely manner

and she also acted reckless by not giving my daughter any extra oxygen,

she told the detective that oxygen was detreminental to Kylie and it could of changed the outcome of the tradgedy, however she also told him we had NO SPARE TANKS available.

This detective was given pictures of the twelve tanks that were at my house the time of Kylie's death. He could of also got the records from my medical supply company and saw how many tanks I had delivered to my house in the month of December, he disregarded the entire discreptancy, the nurse made about no other oxygen supply.

she also claims that she saw Kylie, deathly pale, unresponsive, foaming at the mouth and Detective Newbold never asks her the SIMPLE question of "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL 911 AT THIS POINT?"

I want to know WHY this R.N. did not do anything to help my daughter?

I want to know WHY she had told so many lies to authorites?

& I want to know WHY PCSO has allowed her to lie during an open death investigation?

I can not express enough that my daughter's death was not EXPECTED, I was at Walmart getting her formula for her next feeding, and I came back to this nightmare. I don't care what medical issues a child has,when they die so suddenly and so senselessly it should be PROTOCOL to give a full investigation and find out why. We know what happened by reading the PCSO documents, and what caused it, and it was not her CMG and it sure wasn't of natural causes.

I want to thank you so much for taking the time to read this petition, I hope after taking the time to read this petition, you are just as concerned as I am, as to why it seems that PCSO, up to this point has found no concern to GO BACK and thoroughly investigating this case.

I am sure no personnel of PCSO, will ever admit it was because my daughter had a handicap, but I am entitled to my opinion of their reasoning. Please help me by signing this petition , showing your support of getting PCSO detectives to show their concern of a four year old little girls life.

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