We want a new permanent ice rink in Bournemouth for everyone now! - We've waited long enough!!

  • by: Mary Waygood
  • recipient: Bournemouth Borough Council and investors in a permanent rink for the town.

Following the recent reunion of ex Bournemouth Westover Ice Rink skaters on 28.12.13 it is very clear that Bournemouth needs a permanent Olympic size ice rink now.

The youth of Bournemouth and surrounding areas need the opportunity to learn new skills. A permanent ice facility would give them the chance to try figure skating, ice dance, ice hockey, speed skating, curling, and also somewhere to experience ice shows and teach them the importance of socialising and keeping fit at general skaing sessions.

This type of facility would benefit young and old alike, with the recent reunion atracting all ages from 5 - 85.

We need this facility NOW.

Dear Supporter

We require as many signatures as possible to show Bournemouth Council and anyone able to invest in a permanent ice rink in Bournemouth, how important and necessary a permanent ice rink is to everyone.

At a recent reunion of ex Westover Ice Rink skaters, at the BIC temporary rink, it became very clear that a permanent facility is desperately needed. There were 200+ skaters and over 100 spectators, who had previously benefitted from the permanent facilities in Bournemouth and who, along with their families and frinds, would support whole heartedly new permanent ice skating facilities.

Since the Westover Road ice rink closed in 1991, after 60 years, there have been talks of a permanent facility in Kings Park. Planning permission has been approved but now we need Bournemouth Council to really push forward in finding a suitable backer to fund the rink. We need to show them how important a permanent facility is to the whole community. We can only do this with your support.

Please help.

Much appreciated

Kind regards

Update #310 years ago
It looks like we're getting somewhere! This week a small group will meet to discuss more specific action and ways to push forward with getting a permanent Olympic ice rink in Bournemouth.
Please share the petition and ask all your friends and family to sign it.
This facility would benefit so many people locally and nationally and boost the health and wellbeing of everyone who uses it. Creating new jobs and boosting tourism too.
Your support is what makes the difference.
Thank you in advance.
Update #210 years ago
Update #110 years ago
Just to let everyone know, the Bournemouth Echo will be running a piece on the petition for a permanent ice rink so please continue to spread the word to everyone you know.
Ask everyone to sign and perhaps add the link to your e-mail signature to encourage more interest.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Mary Waygood
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