Keep k-9 and pits and any other kind of pet apart of police force

    Pencil considers remember law and we do have a right to serve this community to and keep the community say I feel like we don’t have a right to Justin especially when there’s any members of the community as me and a problem or public nuisance to the community but all the citizens that are working a lot are considered a public nuisance and we can be charge for that as well as disorderly condo immediately we need to make a quick change and make sure that all officers are respected we going to see whatever situation has occurred so it doesn’t get out of hand anymore will citizens be home? Currently involvedAnimals do you have a right to service this country and you don’t need to pick up them because we do need to make sure that they are good and properly care for and it citizens are not neglecting him and letting him be home or on the street corners in their homes and businesses need to trade pets with respect as well
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