Tell Kevin Andrews of the Australian Government to Stop killing Koala's

Tell Kevin Andrews that the cover-up of a 700+ Koala cull is illegal. This is against animal rights no matter what the excuse. Kevin Andrews says that "the veterinarians we were working with determined the animals should be put down". This is because the forest was simple "too full" of Koala bears. This is ignorance. Demand the Australian government be held responsible for this crime.

Dear Kevin Andrews, I am e-mailing from Canada and I am disturbed what I have read on the news about the illegal cull of 700+ koalas. I am alerted to you to the fact that there are real people that care about animal issues, especially endangered animals. There needs to be more precaution taken on your part and your government's part to assure to protect of these mammals. Wildlife is important to the sustainability of our environment. It truly is a sick and barbaric thing you have done. Thank you.

Update #19 years ago
We have 1 year to reach 1000 signatures. And once this goal is reached all of your signatures will be shared with Kevin Andrews. For every animal killed, there is a person who cares.
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