Demand that Albert N Wilson be released

    This is #AlbertNWilson

    The year was 2016, he was 20 (black), she was 17 (white), both underage but met inside a popular college bar, he used a friend's ID to get in, she wasn't carded at all. They kissed on the dancefloor, he allegedly lifted up her skirt and sexually assaulted her (she says) he then led her out of the club "stumbling" to his crib a few blocks away (she says), he then holds her down and rapes her (she says). 》

    She didn't seem intoxicated at all (he says), he invited her to the crib (he says), they messed around but never had intercourse (he says) a rape kit was done, a vaginal swab showed NO SEMEN or DNA of his, surveillance footage doesnt show her stumbling out being led away by him (like she claimed), surveillance footage also shows they were only in his apt. for 5 mins before heading back to the club (not that a rape can't happen in 5 mins, but it paints a very different picture than the one she is claiming). 》

    Fast forward to 3 days ago, an all white, mostly female jury found #AlbertWilson guilty of rape. Albert just graduated college, and although this was his first offense (with doubt and evidence on his side), he was sentenced to 12 years in prison, lifetime probation and must register as a sex offender. I take issue with this for a few reasons, but the main reason is because it's sad when within the same time frame you have someone like #BrockTurner (white) who was actually caught IN THE ACT sexually assaulting a woman and only served 3 months of a 6 MONTH SENTENCE 😒 with 3 years probation 🤦🏾‍♂️

    #ToBeBlackInAmerica... (link isnt clickable here but just Google this article)
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