Trousdale penitentiary

    The inmates and gang members are running The prison ! The staff, and the inmates are getting hurt , even to the point of death.!!! It is a privately owned prison!! And It needs to be shut down. They do not feed them the nutrition that they need, and the food is labeled not for human consumption and they still feed it to them !!! When an inmate is on the phone with their loved ones the other inmates take the phone from them and tell their loved ones if they don't send them money they will rape beat & mayb even kill their loved one!!!! There is no reforming the inmates or any way of teaching them or helping them to be reformed when they are released bavk into society !!! There are no classes offered. Bc they can't find anyone to teach the classes!! , they have no teachers to teach them. It's not for humans to live this way!!And because it is privately owned nothing has been done!! They have gotten several complaints, but still nothing has happened. They hide behind it and have been for a very long time now!! Sonething had yo be done ! Human lives do matter reguardless if they are locked up ! They are still human! For the love of God some of the inmates are truly innocent!!! Please help me shut this nightmare down for these men!!!
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