Put a HEFTY tax on sugar to encourage better choices

    My son came back from a tough day and called in at a supermarket on his way home. He picked up a pack of five donuts which were selling off and got them for a mere 19p. They're usually two bags for a pound. In such a market how is a family on a budget ever going to choose to feed their children well when cakes are cheaper than fruit?

    With obesity related disease crushing the NHS and our workforce becoming ever more unhealthy lets kerb the sugar addiction by putting a HEFTY tax on sugar. Not just a trifling percentage, but raise it through the roof so that cakes become a very occasional treat rather than a daily expectation. And kids chug away at sugary drinks all day at school, carrying around giant bottles of fizzy. Come on government, wake up, change the economics to stop this ridiculous and dangerous farce. If donuts were £5 each then children would be eating fruit and if cans were £5 a pop (see what I did there) then kids would be drinking water.

    So please join me in calling on the government to put a HEFTY tax on sugar to encourage better choices.
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