Don't Evict Chica! #Justice4Chica

    Chica Talbott recently moved from Key West to Fort Lauderdale to enjoy a life of peace and luxury with The Beatty Family. Mommy & Father CB moved in to a new apartment complex back in April where Chica has been living. Unfortunately, Mommy & Father CB are renting and are not owners of the apartment. The lease agreement states that only owners are allowed to have pets. On August 9th (Father CB's Birthday), Mommy received an email that management received a complaint that Chica is living in the apartment without permission. Grumpy neighbor reported her to the higher ups and is trying to get her evicted. If he is successful, Chica will be forced to move back to Key West and live with Abuelo and Abuela (who don't take her on enough walks). Mommy is devastated and will be heart broken if she has to send Chica back to Cayo Hueso. We are asking for your help to get #Justice4Chica! Please sign the petition and let's put grumpy neighbor in his place! No one messes with Chica Talbott. #DogsMatter
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