Saving oceans from ghost nets and discarded plastic netting

  • by: Edmond Gabbay
  • recipient: We call on EPA and IMO on establishing stricter regulation and enforcement on commercial fishing industry to insure that fishing nets not to be discarded in the ocean. As for lost part of netting within a country borderline that country's fishing industry

Every year more than 100,000 fish, sharks, endangered species of turtles, aquatic animals such as seals,dolphins, whales and many aquatic birds such as albatross and seagulls to get stuck to or eat pieces of discarded commercial fishing nets and die. Some commercial fishing fleets see more profit in letting go of nets in the ocean after they done fishing than to haul it back to shore.some of these nets are miles long. Other than killing aquatic life, they also damage coral reefs and get caught on other ships propellers stranding them costing millions of dollars in damages. There must be stricter regulation and enforcement on the use of plastic netting by commercial fishing industry. they must not discard their nets in the ocean and should be responsible for clean up of the lost nets on their borders.

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