Peace between Russia and united states

Why go to war everyone has their diffrences, but why take peoples life's.
im from the u.s and im seeing what we are doing
why do we butt in on everyone's problems
we need to go for world peace increase trade
elimenate  nuclear weapons.
their is no need for it
why should we destroy the world we are on
i dream of a day that the entire world is working together to protect it's self and keep things going.
im not saying that their will be no vilonce their will allways be agreement's and disagreements.
We dont have to be a bigg ball of love and that ten yards but why destroy this amazing gift we have called life.
Let's eleminate this nuclear threats and worries 
lets end this im better than you 
let's end this 
because if we dont we will destroy ourselfs.
Lets solve bigger problems.
please everyone sign this im going to try to get the attention of a bunch of people.
open our goverments eyes on how stupid were being right now

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