Stop Gun Violence in America!

5 days ago, six police officers were shot in Philadelphia, and on that same day, 6 people were also shot in New Cumberland, WV, in the latter of which 1 died and 5 injured, and Trump hasn't done one thing about it. So I say we should all make the "President" do something, RIGHT NOW! We cannot live in a country where you can't go outside without getting shot! We should make it where people who have conditions linked to violence and insanity not be allowed to purchase guns, as they are more likely to commit shootings. We need all companies that make games that have any weapon in them to display a warning that all events that happen in-game are entirely fictional, and not to replicate the events shown. We should also increase the quality of security cameras, so we can identify criminals faster, which will make crime levels go down. This way, we can actually make America safer for our fellow citizens.

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