Demanding Justice for Vescort Jones

  • by: William James
  • recipient: Dominica Air & Sea Ports Authority Woodbridge Bay Port DOMINICA (Benoit Bardouille Chief Executive Officer)

On December 15th, 2014, you terminated the employment of Security Officer Vescort Jones for allowing a passenger who he prevented from traveling out of the country with crab backs without a permit, to remove the crab backs himself from the airport security screening area.

As you are well aware, in accordance with settled practice in these airport security matters, Mr. Jones acted correctly and professionally. He prevented the irregularity and exercised his discretion to grant the passenger the option of safely disposing the items he was not allowed to travel with.

Mr. Jones did nothing wrong. Yet, in your initial conversation with him, five hours after the incident on October 19th, 2014, you chided him for not arresting and thereby embarrassing the passenger, Mr. Lennox Linton, the Political Leader of the United Workers Party – an action for which Mr. Jones had no legal or any other authority. You then subjected him to a period of sustained unfair treatment leading up his dismissal.

We, the undersigned residents of the Marigot community in particular and Dominica in general therefore believe that you have acted unreasonably, vindictively and oppressively in this blatant victimization of Vescort Jones.
We therefore demand the immediate reinstatement of Vescort Jones to the post of Security Officer, Dominica Air & Sea Ports Authority without any loss of pay and with appropriate compensation for the suffering and pain he has endured as a result of your unjustified attack on his character and your wrongful termination of his employment.

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