Plastic Bottle Recycling at Caddo Mills Football Games

My family and I enjoy attending the home football games at Caddo Mills ISD. We love to support our school community, football team, cheerleaders, band, and drill team. It's so exciting to see the crowds that show up each game to support these students.

However, with a large crowd like this, there are many drinks in plastic bottles consumed at each game, and there are no facilities available for recycling these bottles.

According to an article published in Forbes Magazine, people around the globe use one million plastic bottles per minute, and 91% of these bottles are not recycled. The material that many plastic bottles are made of can take 400 years to biodegrade, but it can be easily recycled.

In addition to filling up landfills unnecessarily, plastics are also a concern for the oceans. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by current estimations, the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish by 2050. Any plastic that makes its way to our oceans poses a risk to the animal life and ecosystem of the ocean.

Considering the large number of bottles thrown away each week at Caddo Mills ISD football games, and the ease of recycling these bottles, we, the undersigned, would like to request that the school district consider implementing policies and procedures for recycling bottles at all Caddo Mills ISD football games.

-Forbes Magazine:
- Ellen MacArthur Foundaion:

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