Free Doctor Lukasz Niec

US immigration officers arrest Michigan doctor who has lived in US for 40 years.

We need to come together and show our support for Dr. Niec and our discontentment with his arrest. We need to free Dr. Niec. Show your support by signing this petition to free him!

Dr. Lukasz Niec, was arrested at his home in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 by the Department of Homeland Security. He is permanent legal resident who came to this country from Poland in 1979 when he was 5 years old with his parents, both doctors who have passed away. He is being held at Calhoun County Correctional facility pending a deportation hearing that could take up to 6 months. In 1992, when he was 17 years old, he pled to a misdemeanor and a misdemeanor which was expunged under the Holmes Youth Training Act. Since then he has graduated Western University and went to medical school. He is a practicing physician at Bronson Methodist Hospital as a Hospitalist (Internal Medicine) since 2007. He is married to a US citizen and has a 6 year old daughter and an 11 year old stepdaughter who are both US citizens. He is an active member of the community, works hard, pays taxes, owns a home in Kalamazoo and has family who needs him. With the latest Influenza epidemic his expertise is urgently needed at the hospital due to short staffing and overwhelming number of intake patients. We need Lukasz to be doing what he does best. Taking care of other people!

Update #46 years ago
Thank you all! We are only 20 signatures away from reaching our 1500 mark. Being so close to 1500 signatures, I am holding off on closing the petition. The minute we reach 1500 signatures, the petition is closing and is going to be delivered. I don't want to wait too long to deliver this because, until it is delivered, it is not serving its purpose. Please help me reach the last goal of 20 signatures! Thank you all for your support! I am sure Dr. Niec and family is touched by so many supporters!
Update #36 years ago
We are 1,325 signatures strong! I will be closing this petition so it can be delivered!!! Please, if you have not signed it yet, please do so! We are stronger together! Please share this so we can make it to 1,500 before it closes! Thank you everyone for your support!
Update #26 years ago
Last night, the response to the petition has been incredible. I have worked hard to get the word out and clearly, I was not the only one. In just over 24 hours, we have obtained a total of 854 signatures, not just from Michigan, but from all over the US and world. Our goal is 1000 signatures. Currently we are 146 signatures away from meeting our goal! Thank you all for your support and continued willingness to share! I can't wait to print this and deliver it to the various locations! Thank you!
Update #16 years ago
Good evening! I want to thank all who have signed this petition. Since starting this petition, I have heard some very compassionate stories on how Dr. Niec has made a difference in the lives of others! It’s our turn to help him!

We have 160 signatures. We need 840 more! Once I get the signatures I will deliver the petition to the courthouse, jail, and our capital! We need to share this so we can help the man who has helped so many! Thank you for your support and continuing to share!
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