Get more experienced animators for Arthur!

  • by: Christian Hayes
  • recipient: PBS kids,Mark Brown,9 story,pbs,Arthur,Greg Bailey

The PBS Kids cartoon "Arthur" got itself a new animation which is choppy, tacky and unfitting for the show. If you see season 16 you'll see what I mean. They need to stop being lazy and change the animation back to it's formal glory, as they obviously made a poor choice using flash animation as lazily as they did, with them making it animate like a jigsaw puzzle. Don't get me wrong flash animation can be good, but what they did is make it look like the wonder pets only drawn which is pretty bad.

Sign this petition if you agree, and please leave a message with your signature to voice your concerns and let them know how you feel (but keep it polite please)!

Update: they saw the petition and her was there responds:


Dear Christian,

We received your recent e-mail about Arthur and the new animation style.
We want to thank you for your
thoughtful viewing of the series. We can tell that you¹re a true fan and
been with us for the long-term.

As you may know, we began producing Arthur in the mid 90s when HD and
digital production were unknown. Due
to recent advances, we¹ve had to adjust our production process in order to
deliver Arthur in an HD format, going
from a smaller (4:3) to larger (16:9) picture.

We also had to embrace recent advances in animation
production. The transition from traditional to Flash-based animation was
supervised by Greg Bailey, who has been the director of Arthur since day
one. Mr. Bailey oversaw all aspects of the animation
process and ensured that the series maintained the same feel that viewers
come to know and love. Marc Brown was also a key contributor during this

Overall, we¹re very pleased with the new look because it
holds up beautifully on a digital HD screen.

However, while the animation style may be slightly different,
the characters and our commitment to bringing viewers heartwarming, funny,
educational stories remains the same.

Again, thank you for your feedback. We greatly value your
opinion and hope that you and your family continue to enjoy Arthur for
years to come.


The Arthur Team


here's an update video.

Dear Mark Brown,

We don't like how the new animators are animating Arthur. It has become unwatchable for all of us. It would be better if you would go back to being animated with traditional hand drawn cel animation.

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