The European Union Must Stop the Illegal Puppy Trade!

Seventy-two adorable, innocent puppies were rescued when border police discovered them in a van near the city of Waidhaus in Bavaria, Germany. The 12-week old puppies were found crammed into cages, dehydrated and infested with parasites while being illegally transported from Slovakia to Portugal. Sadly, this incident is part of a growing illegal pet trade across the continent. These animals don't have to needlessly suffer for profit: the European Union can act now to stop the illegal pet trade!

Sign now to demand the European Union pass legislation to fight the illegal puppy trade and protect our beloved dogs!

As the COVID-19 pandemic forced billions of people indoors and into social isolation, the demand for pets dramatically rose. In some places, this meant that shelters were cleared out, an amazing victory for those caring for abandoned animals. But the soaring demand for pets has also been followed by a rise in the illegal puppy trade. In 2021, the number of cases of illegally traded dogs nearly doubled compared to the previous year, with over 1,900 dogs affected in total. Because these cases involve trafficking, data from government agencies is spotty at best, and it is likely the number of unreported cases is much higher. When the 2021 data is compared with the number of instances of illegal animal trade from 2019 -- the year before the pandemic -- the increase is not double, but by a whopping fivefold.

Comprehensive legislation could dramatically reduce the number of puppies who suffer in the illegal dog trade. Better identification and registration of animals, regulation of internet trade, increased education and controls, and tougher penalties for offenders could all help curb animal trafficking and must be passed immediately. The European Union must act now before more innocent animals are harmed! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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