Demand PM Trudeau Stop Airstrikes in Iraq

Prime Minister Trudeau pledged during the election to stop airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and to pull out the troops stationed there. However, to this day the Canadian Air Force is continuing airstrikes, with no plan on how to disengage from armed conflict. Canada needs to stop bombing Iraq and bring the troops home as promised. Bombing Iraq has done little to stop ISIS from spreading and has cost lives and homes in Iraq. 

By signing today you are helping show the government that Canada is a peacekeeping nation that understands that more violence is not the answer to the conflict in the Middle East.

To the Honourable Prime Minister Trudeau and the Honourable Defense Minister Sajjan,

We, the undersigned, ask you to immediately stop airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. In your election campaign you promised an end to the airstrikes and to this day you have done nothing to move forward on this promise. It is imperative that we stop bombing Iraq as it has done nothing to quell ISIS's power nor is armed conflict solved with more armed conflict.

We believe that Canada should be a peacekeeping nation and that armed conflict is nor the role for Canada in the world anymore. The most important step you can make now is stopping the airstrikes in Iraq. 

Update #28 years ago
HOORAY! Yesterday PM Trudeau announced that, by Feb 22nd, the bombing missions in Iraq and Syria would stop. This is great news! Thanks for all your support.
Update #18 years ago
WOW! 19K! Thank you all so much for signing. Together we will send a strong message that we stand for peace in the Middle East.
With pressure on in the media right now for the Canadian government around their airstrikes in Iraq, it's a great time to deliver the petition. Can you help boost the signatures to 25K by the end of the week by sharing through your social media? Let's increase the local and international pressure for Canada to go back to its peacekeeping role in the world.
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