Community Board 6: Protect Carroll Gardens & Gowanus!

The Lightstone Group is proposing a 700-unit, 12-story-tall multi-building apartment complex on Bond Street between Carroll and 2nd Street. This site is in a toxic flood zone, and Lightstone's proposal has not been subject to approval from any elected official. This is a premature development given the challenges in the Gowanus Canal area. There should be a proper democratic process, a full environmental review and a project that's contextual with the land and the neighborhood and part of the overall Gowanus framework for development.

On September 27, the CB6 Land Use Subcommittee overwhelmingly voted to ask the City Planning Commission to TABLE Lightstone's application a number of  conditions are met, including commissioning an Environmental Impact Study to determine the effect of such a development on the neighborhood's sewer systems, school system, transit systems, the environment, and the Canal.

On Wednesday, October 10, Community Board 6 must decide whether to approve the Land Use Subcommittee's recommendations. We need to let CB6 know that these recommendations have widespread community support.

We, the undersigned, support the Land Use Subcommittee's recommendations to urge the Department of City Planning to TABLE the Lightstone Group's proposal.

Dear Members of Community Board 6:

The Lightstone Group is proposing a 700-unit, 12-story-tall multi-building apartment complex on Bond Street between Carroll and 2nd Street. This site is in a toxic flood zone, and Lightstone's proposal has not been subject to approval from any elected official. This is a premature development given the challenges in the Gowanus Canal area. There should be a proper democratic process, a full environmental review and a project that's contextual with the land and the neighborhood and part of the overall Gowanus framework for development.

On September 27, the CB6 Land Use Subcommittee overwhelmingly voted to ask the City Planning Commission to TABLE Lightstone's application a number of  conditions are met, including commissioning an Environmental Impact Study to determine the effect of such a development on the neighborhood's sewer systems, school system, transit systems, the environment, and the Canal.

We, the undersigned, support the Land Use Subcommittee's recommendations to urge the Department of City Planning to TABLE the Lightstone Group's proposal.

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