Tell Kellogg's to stop using Palm Oil and destroying the rainforest, NOW!

    Palm Oil production is the leading cause of the destruction of habitats for endangered species like the pigmy elephant and orangutans. Kellogg's has been putting it in products you are familiar with, like cereals, PopTarts, and granola bars. Please tell them to STOP using Palm Oil! There are so many other sustainable oils they could use instead. Saving a penny is not worth the destruction of the rainforests! Please sign today! Stop buying Kellogg's until they change! It worked with Doritos, it will work again!
    Update #15 years ago
    We are up to only 106 supporters but we need so many more! Won't you please share and let people know how in a small way, at no cost to them, they can help save the rainforest? Thank you!
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