Demand metal detectors in our Rutherford County Schools

The U.S has managed to protect people traveling by air and in sports arenas with metal detectors. Why are they not in all of our schools? School shootings have become a societal norm and they can be prevented with action. After receiving multiple messages from Rutherford County Schools during their investigation of a threat to students and faculty at Riverdale High School, I am unsettled until I know that action has been taken to prevent a tragedy in my community. I think that Rutherford County Schools should set a standard for the entire U.S. and by protecting our schools with metal detectors. I hope other schools will follow this standard! Please sign my petition for Rutherford County Schools to make this change so that our children can learn in peace and teachers can go to work without fear! RIP to those who did not have the luxury of a safe and secure learning environment!

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