Stop Our Horses from Being Sent to Mexico and Canada for Slaughter.

  • by: Suzana Megles
  • recipient: The SAFE Act (Safeguard American Food Exports) has been introduced in Congress but needs many more co-sponsors before it can be acted upon. Please ask your US Representative and two Senators to co-sponsor the SAFE Act..

I believe most Americans will be horrified to find out that many wild horses periodically are captured  by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with the use of helicopters whose whirring blades frighten them into running for miles without water or rest.  Some will die on the way.  The survivors will be kept in holding pens until auctioned off and many will be snapped up by the "meat" men who send them to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. This is always cruel for horses because of their size.  If Congress passes the SAFE Act, this horror will stop. 

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