Education Absences STOP

  • by: Kathy D
  • recipient: Parents and Gardians

We are having to have a excuse for kids being out of school. Mine has migraine headackes if they are out take to doctor to get excuse. Only for them to tell you the same thing. This is costing Insurance company, Medicaid, And money a lot of money. It also cost the Parents a lot of Money taking the children to doctor for one day. I agree if a child is out a few days then they need to get doctors excuse . We are having to run to doctor for a simple sickness. We have got to stop this. It is costing a fortune, parents are starting homeschool because of harassment. The solution is go back to the way it was let the parents decide. That will cut down on sickness at schools, Money being paid out. Please sign this petition to go back to the old way. Parents in control.

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