Punish Jean-Luc Rodier for Neglecting and Mistreating Animals at his Fur Farm!

  • by: Slava Radakovic
  • recipient: Quebec Government, Montreal's SPCA Director - Alanna Devine, Quebec's Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks

Having received a complaint the Montreal SPCA raided a Monteregie, south of Montreal fur farm that was being run by the savage Jean-Luc Rodier where they were shocked upon discovering dozens of severely emaciated and dehydrated mink and foxes with broken limbs crammed and confined in filthy, wired cages with no access to any water or food, and were immersed in their own feces. The whole purpose of this farm was simple. Mass breeding of animals like foxes and mink followed by electrocution or gassing and pelting of their offspring. Don't let this savage get away with a slap on the wrist. Punish him to the fullest extent!  

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