Racism needs to End in Traverse City MI

    I was wrongfully accused of a crime and the police in Traverse City MI lost all evidence that could help or hurt me.
    I am an African American small business owner.
    January 2016 I was in Traverse City, MI when a narcotics team rushed into my hotel room accusing me of prostitution and drugs.
    Yes I did have an ad online, but it was not soliciting for prostitution.
    In my advertisement i was fully dressed and no sexual language was used. The police do not have any evidence besides a false police report. That same night my friend was arrested and taken to jail because she admitted to something.
    She even told the officers that i did not do anything, so they let me go.

    March 2018 I am in TC in my hotel and someone bangs on my door," This is Trevor from the front desk" so i opened the door half naked rushing because the cop was knocking so hard. I open the door the cop searches my room with a flashlight and handcuffs me without showing me a warrant. Him and his partner then put my coat on me and rushed me out. I did not even have enough time to put on my socks.
    Both times I was not with a man.

    I am writing this because INJUSTICE and INEQUALITY has to STOP! This is illegal search and seizure and wrongful imprisonment.
    They never found any drugs on me and they never saw me with anyone.
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