Demand an end to Buddha insignia decorations for home

  • by: Matt P
  • recipient: People who not only uphold and revere the Buddhist teachings, but to people of all backgrounds who see the unacceptable practice of disrespecting another religion
The above image was taken at a department store in Los Angeles, Ca. This and many other depictions like it can be found at many furniture and decorative stores of all kind. It is highly disrespectful and disturbing to use images of an over millennium old religion for decorative purposes. Common items sold are small statues of either Gautama Buddha standing and adorned with his robes, or the infamous "Happy Buddha", a version revered in East Asia but made into something comical by Western countries. Even more concerning is when only the head of the Buddha image is used, defacing the religion in a decapitating manner and only showing his head. This frequently used item is typically placed in around homes in areas like a garden or a front driveway. This is not allowed of other religions in the Abrahamic tradition such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, so why is Eastern philosophy fair game for Westerners? If it is not acceptable to have a bust of only the head of Jesus Christ, David, or Allah, then why is the Buddha acceptable? And even if it IS only the bust of Jesus Christ, many people would put that item on pillars or high places in the home, but instead put the Buddha's image near a water fountain or guarding the front lawn. How has this comparison not been made by consumers? During his lifetime, the Buddha requested not to be idolized through temples and statues built in his honor. Eventually however his followers felt compelled to as a way to commemorate his philosophy and teach the rest of humankind as well and soon relics would be mass produced and consumed in every Buddhist faith country. Although the practice of commercializing the Buddha is almost as old as the Buddhist belief itself due to perpetual westernizing and colonization in Asia, it should be continued any longer. We should condemn individuals who continue this malicious practice, but more importantly we should educate them to know religious idols should not be subject to mere ornaments. If a relic or sacred item is in the home, it should be worshipped properly and not as some chic decoration. We can end the high supply for these items by cutting off the demand value they have worldwide. I urge everyone to sign the petition and stop the desecration of Buddhism and the Buddha by commercialization.
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