The ban of IPads and now told laptops for students in the La Crosse school district

Many parents have seen and gone through the stress with the iPads in many grade levels here in La Crosse School District. You think your child is doing homework but they are quickly flipping to something else, looking at things they shouldn't, or having far too much screen time, etc! Does your child know how to problem solve, process steps, spell correctly or is their hand writting even legible? Even equipping kids to be able to have access to bully others through messaging and applications that look like calculators etc but really aren't! They take them once a year to check them and by then it's erased... Kids have gotten to be smart "criminals" since the first couple years in aspect to that!

Computers are needed but we have computer applications classes and in high school more extensive classes for electives if they want them. Bring back the process of how to process and disseminate the information and make informed decisions on their own instead of relying on the iPad to show them the way.

Health officials/studies have expressed the number of hourson a screen, based on their ages, should be set to a certain number of hours! Screens are not just computers but phones, tv, and video games. It's proven to even become an addiction, causing depression, eye strain, anxiety, sleep problems and many other health risks! Let's say that it says 2-3 hours a day(this is for teens), you have a 7 hour school day and they are on a computer at least 3 hours of that day(super generous here it would be at least 4-6 at the middle and high school levels.) Your child should not play on the phone, watch tv or play games on there gaming consoles or computer, nor should they work on homework on the computer or iPad!! No matter how much I would love to have that be reality, is it possible? 

Even when it came to paying for the insurance it covered one claim with a deductible and anything they found as a problem, even after signing off was billed to the parents! The cost of these as well, I'm not sure what budget that's coming from, but we have many other things be cut from our schools at the same time!

Please sign and we will take this to the school board to speak out! They are now venturing to High school.
Thank you for your support!

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