Let Colin the dog come home!

On Friday 22nd January 2016, my little baby Colin was seized by the police under the Dangerous Dogs Act. He is the most loving friendly dog I've ever met. He loves playing with my seven year old daughter - they are best mates. Colin was seized because someone phoned Crimestoppers and said he is a dangerous dog and that I have a child in the house with him.

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) was rushed through as part of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act. It was a simplistic response to the public mood at the time, and it legislates against certain dog types rather than tackling effective dog rearing and ownership or considering the temperament of individual animals. Evaluations have found it to be ineffective in the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain.

He has never bitten anything or anyone, he is so soft. PLEASE sign and share this petition to demand that he is judged on his individual temperament. Help get Colin home where he belongs and hopefully end this unjust law xxxx

Update #18 years ago
WE DID IT!!!! HE'S HOME!!!! xxxx
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