Nix the Prop 12 “Fix”!

A monumental threat is facing animals in our country, and we need your help to stop it!

Ever since the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the strongest farm animal protection law in the country—California's Proposition 12—lobbyists representing only a segment of the pork industry have pushed for a so-called "fix"—a "fix" that is not at all necessary. And now it's clear that their allies in Congress are going to try and use the Farm Bill to implement their so-called "fix."

The proposed partisan Farm Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives contains language that aims to invalidate Prop 12 and could also wipe out hundreds of other state laws not only relating to animal welfare and animal products, but also how states regulate the sales of products within their own borders, set standards for disease and quarantine control, toxic materials, and more.

Animals (and people) need your help to stop the unraveling of even the most basic protections.
Dear Legislator,

I am writing to urge you to oppose the Prop 12 "fix" in the Farm Bill or any language that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws. Prop 12 and the hundreds of other state laws this language would target don't need to be fixed.

The language contained in the Farm Bill proposed by House Republicans would likely invalidate not only Prop 12, but hundreds of other state laws regulating the sales of products within their own borders and setting standards for disease and quarantine control, toxic materials, and more.

Eliminating laws like Proposition 12 would harm U.S. farmers who have relied on these state laws, made substantial investments to meet consumer demand for more humanely raised food, and are now seeing the benefits of their commitment. Fifteen states have addressed intensive confinement of farm animals and nearly 80% of American voters—including nearly equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats—support enactment in their own states of a law to protect farm animals.

I hope you will stand firmly against this massive federal overreach by opposing the Prop 12 "fix" in the Farm Bill or any language that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws.

Thank you.
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