Support Life Changing After-School Programs

The opportunity to attend an after-school program can make all the difference in a child's life. Academic support means a child will receive mentoring, homework help and guidance preparing for college and careers, key intervention that may not have otherwise been available.

Thanks to Catholic Charities Alianza division after-school programs, three students from Washington Heights where per-capita income is half the New York average received surprise scholarships for City College of New York at their Senior Awards Dinner this year. Having the opportunity to access valuable after-school programs in their neighborhood made a huge impact on their futures. Programs like "Graduate, Prepare, Succeed" (GPS) that they participated in are designed to provide vital support to promote education for low-income teens.

It's important we ensure that struggling teens like these continue to receive quality after-school programs to lead them to success!

Thousands of American children participate, learn and grow through activities provided by after-school programs like GPS. The opportunity to have a safe and nurturing environment to go to after school is crucial for youth. Show your support and change the lives of thousands of American children!
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