Demand that this NYS DMV 2012 DWI regulation be changed!

Governor Cuomo and the NYS DMV came out with a regulation in 2012 that has permanently revoked thousands of peoples drives license forever if they have been convicted of 3 or more DWI offenses and a SDO (serious driving offense) within a 25 year period...This regulation is very unfair for people who have made mistakes in the past and are being held accountable for them now that this regulation has come into effect... I understand that many people have been effected by Drunken drivers by losing family members in car wrecks caused by a drunken driver and, I do agree that certain regulations need to be enforced to prevent a continuation of such BUT the way the NYS DMV went about it was wrong and unjust! There are many people (including myself) who have 3 or more dwi's years ago and applied for relicensing in 2012 prior to this regulation coming into effect. These applications for license reinstatement were held and not approved waiting on this regulation to come into effect. Once it did, Everyones applications were denied and it was called retroactive..This is not fair at all! Anyone who applied for their license or those who had priors prior to this regulation should have the right to get their license reinstated because the regulation was not in effect yet! There are many people who have paid their dues in court, paid their fines, did  jailtime , probation and completed substance abuse counseling.. Many of these people have learned their lesson and changed their lives around. So why punish them more!? Not only that, this regulation blindsided many people who would have fought tooth and nail in court to get a not guilty verdict instead of taking a plea deal that is now effecting their lives in such a negative way they would have never imagined! This regulation is totally destroying peoples lives who need their license to get to and from work..What now for these people? They cant find a job? Cant take care of their families? So there are more people on public assistance? Wouldn’t it be better if you give people the opportunity to be productive members of society rather than  a burden to the rest of society? There are also many other ways to go about keeping repeat offenders from driving drunk such as ignition interlocks, counseling and monitoring for periods of time...I do agree that this regulation should be enforced but not the way they are enforcing it! Anyone with DWI convictions prior to this regulation should have an opportunity to get their license reinstated...If it happens again now that the regulation is in place, I agree pull it for good! But dont pull it for good on someone who had their DWI's prior to this regulation.. Its just not fair!

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