Demand quarterly training of law enforcement workers recognizing signs of citizens in need of medical attention

    I'm a breast cancer survivor that is in remission and suffers from lymphedema. i was found by police officers behind the wheel of my vehicle un conscious. my doctor diagnosed me with result from medical test: dehydration, low blood sugar, and high blood pressure instead of police calling for medical support they denied me the right to have my own vehicle towed. Do to my symptoms i begin slurring my speech and became very confused and fell in a medical state of having a mild stroke in front of two officers who where not properly trained to recognize citizens in need of medical attention instead i was placed in handcuffs and then passed out again once placed in the police vehicle. when i gain conscious i was in a cell handcuffed tightly to the floor, that caused inflammation to my lymphedema. lymphedema is a swelling disease that is developed with cancer treatment. no one asked if i was in need of medical attention at the jail, where i was deprived of water and food which is bad for the symptoms i had. i dont remember talking with police but i found a video in my cell phone where i was denied rights and suffering from signs of a mild stroke in front of two police officers. I immediately went to the emergency room and to my physician once i gain knowledge of the video. not once did i let the police know that i was a breast cancer patient becuase i was not completely coherent, but once i got the chance to speak with the commissioner i told him and he to ignored my cry for help nor did he ask if i was in need of medical attention.... please lets raise awarness for citizens in need of medical help and lets help fellow law enforcement continue be great and properly serve the citizens in the U.S.A. by getting the proper training they need to better serve the people thank you.
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