He Burned His Mother's House Down With Her Two Dogs Trapped, Screaming, Inside

A man in Iowa has murdered two animals in cold blood while trying to also kill his own elderly mother - and all this after he tried to previously kill his ex-wife a year earlier.

Sign the petition to demand authorities provide support for his victims. They survived, but they did not get through unscathed. They deserve high-quality professional therapy, free of charge, now!

In August 2022, he approached his (now former) wife while she slept on the couch in their home. He was carrying a crossbow in his arms - a highly deadly weapon for shooting arrows with painful force. And, while she slept, he aimed the crossbow at her - and fired.

Luckily, she survived. But while the man was out on probation following this assault, he decided to up the ante. One day in November, his 84-year-old mother and her two dogs were lounging peacefully in her home. Or they were, until he set her home on fire, trapping her and the two helpless animals inside.

Police arrived right in the nick of time to save his mother, breaking down a window in order to pull her out to safety, before bringing her to a hospital for treatment. But her two beloved pups were not so lucky. Both animals perished, suffering from an agonizing death while they screamed and desperately tried to escape.

The man is now being tried for his crimes. But what about healing for his victims? Not only did his mother and ex-wife suffer violence at his hands, but his mother is also grieving the death of her loyal companion animals.

Authorities must hold this man accountable for his cruelty, but they must also provide mental health support for his mother and ex-wife. Sign the petition now!
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