Protect Bears Ears National Monument from corporate polluters!

President Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke want to sell out large chunks of Bears Ears National Monument to drilling and mining industries. This is part of the single biggest attack on our lands by a president EVER.

We must fight back. Stand in solidarity with the native communities who have led the fight to protect our public lands and demand that Bears Ears National Monument stay protected!
SUBJECT: Fight Back Against Trump's Attack on Public Lands

To the Bureau of Land Management,

I strongly urge you to keep the land in the original Bears Ears National Monument protected for generations to come (Proclamation 9558 – Dec. 28, 2016). The Trump administration did not have the authority to shrink the monument, and the Bureau of Land Management should not move forward with new plans until this issue is settled.

Drastically revoking huge portions of this national monument is an attack on the communities, economies, and ecosystems that depend on this place. The land in the original and legitimate Bears Ears National Monument must remain protected, and any interim plans should not weaken safeguards for the land and natural resources.

I stand with the native communities and the millions of people across the country who have led the fight to protect our public lands and national monuments, and I demand that the Trump administration respect the original and legitimate boundaries of the monument.

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