We Need a Long-term Medicare Solution

The sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula is an enormous impediment to successful health care delivery and payment reforms that can improve the quality of patient care while lowering growth in costs. Each time the government delays repeal of the SGR formula, the cost of much-needed reform soars.

We have to act now before the cost of repeal grows even higher.

Over 100 organizations united to develop principles and core elements that can form the basis for new federal policy on a transition from the SGR to a higher performing Medicare program.

Principles include:

- Provide patients choices
- Take into consideration patients' diverse health care needs
- Encourage systems of care, regional collaborative efforts, primary care and specialist cooperation while preserving patient choice

It's time to stand with physicians and discuss new ideas for solving the problem. Tell Congress to address SGR and find long-term Medicare solutions!
Dear Congress,

The SGR formula needs to be repealed. Delays cost too much to justify when we aim to improve the affordability and quality of patient care as quickly as possible.

Over one hundred organizations have pinpointed the most essential reforms needed to address long-term Medicare concerns. These changes include providing patients choices as well as taking patients' various health care needs into account. Physicians also suggest encouraging systems of care, regional collaborative efforts, primary care and specialist cooperation while preserving patient choice.

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I urge you to address SGR reform and find long-term Medicare solutions.


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