Open Public comment AGAINST and/or for stronger compliance checking for Formaldehyde in wood floorin

  • by: Sylvia Majka
  • recipient: US Environmental Appeals Board ???/ joint evaluation session-CA. & Federal ???

Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen yet right now manufactured flooring containing formaldehyde is being imported and sold in the United States. California standards are the most stringent and this product cannot be sold without warranty as to fitness for purpose and compliance with CARB Standards. (Ca. Air Review Board standards) However, even some warranties are being found to have been falsified in some cases.

Patrons at shopping areas and residents of homes with  flooring containing formaldehyde have reported respiratory ailments, rashes, sickness and nausea and other ailments from mild to requiring hospitalization. Effects on animals may also present with particular symptoms, however no discussion of that is included here.

On June 10, 2013 the Federal Review Board opened the topic FOR 60 DAYS for public review and comment. More information can be found at and NY Times articles concerning companies selling the tainted wood, as well as Woodworker's Journal. Sign a petition to better police the formaldehyde content in manufactured hardwood flooring, composite, particle board, medium and high density flooring and furniture products and even certain children's toys made of suspect wood.

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