Demand U.S. Take Action to Stop Modern Domestic Slavery!

  • by: Llowell W
  • recipient: U.S. Department of Justice

In 2018, slavery still exists. According to a recent report, the 2018 Global Slavery Index, over 400,000 individuals are in forced bondage within the United States. This is unacceptable.

The comprehensive report explains that though slavery rates are comparably low in the U.S., the risk of being pulled into human trafficking is extremely high for certain vulnerable groups – particularly migrants.

Right now, with immigration being a topic of much heated debate in the U.S., one issue rarely acknowledged is the role employers play and, sadly, the way the federal enforcement of existing labor laws has failed to protect migrants who are frequently exploited in ways that undeniably qualify as modern slavery.

If the federal government were to take only a single action to combat human trafficking in the United States, it would be to actively enforce these laws and punish employers accordingly.

Add your name to this petition to tell the U.S. Justice Department and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to do their jobs – enforce the law!

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