Restore Conservation Funding for Our National Parks

From the EPA to fighting fires to protecting wildlife on wildlife refuges, our nation's environmental needs have been significantly shortchanged in recent years.

Under President Bush, budgets for public lands were so low that the Forest Service had to eviscerate programs for wildlife and research in order to fight wildfires, and some Wildlife Refuges had to close their doors for lack of funding. Critically important climate research needs went begging, year after year.

The Senate will vote soon on the Interior Department's budget in 2010. Please sign the letter below to urge adequate funding levels for federal environmental programs that have been on starvation diets for far too long.
Dear Congressperson [Name],

Our public lands need strong levels of funding in 2010 to manage for the effects of climate change, maintain critical habitat and provide educational opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts both young and old.

These critical dollars will support local communities, provide jobs and sustain a recreation economy that contributes $730 billion nationwide each year.

[Your comment here]

Please support the President's requested funding level for our natural resources in the 2010 spending bill and help to continue our nation's great legacy of protecting special places for future generations of Americans.
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