Train Mothers to Prevent Hunger in Their Families & Communities

Khatidja, an Ethiopian mother, was worried that her baby boy was growing weak and listless, so she took him to a local health clinic supported by International Medical Corps. In addition to providing medical care, International Medical Corps' Health Extension Worker trained her to prepare balanced meals and to boil water from local ponds before drinking. Now, Khatidja's son is on the road to recovery and Khatidja has the tools to support her family for years to come.

The drought in Ethiopia and throughout East Africa has left millions of people malnourished. But to build healthy communities, we need to do more than just provide food. For people living in Ethiopia and in other countries around the world, especially for mothers, understanding healthy nutrition and hygiene practices is as important as having access to food sources.

The best way to fight malnutrition is before it starts. Pledge to support long-term solutions to end malnutrition, through education and training.
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