Stand with Hillary and fight back against GOP attacks!

Kevin McCarthy, the Republican House Majority Leader, recently admitted that the house investigation into Benghazi is nothing but a political farce.

Here's his answer when asked what the Republicans congress have accomplished: "We put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are [Hillary Clinton's] numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."

It sounds like Republicans are playing electoral politics with a terrorist attack.

This is a big deal and here's why: This committee, masquerading as an attempt to look into the deaths of four brave Americans we lost at Benghazi, is actually a taxpayer-funded sham. And they're focused on only one thing: driving down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.

We can't just stand by and let these GOP attacks go unanswered — if you're with Hillary then sign up today and help us fight back. We will send you updates and information about how to get involved.

Paid for by Hillary Victory Fund,
Kevin McCarthy has finally revealed the truth about the Benghazi Special Committee: it's a tax-payer funded shamed only focused on doing one thing: driving down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. I am joining Hillary's official campaign to fight back against these GOP attacks and make sure they don't go unanswered.
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