Bullying to become a Criminal offence in Western Australia because of the suicide and Mental Heath conditions it causes

Bullying is destroying to many lives in all parts of Australia, this needs to change in each state ,suicide and Mental Health conditions are our biggest problem facing our youth of today

Dear readers, it is important that this is signed by Western Australian Residents only.
The petition of the undersigned citizens of Western Australia draws the attention of the House to the fact that: 

• Continuous Bullying now takes many forms. 
• Laws are inadequate and do not reflect developments in technology and social networking. 
• Suicide is the leading cause of death in young people in Australia. 
• The crimminal Code compilation Act 1913 section 338E and Education School Education Act 1999 require amendment to include Continuous bullying, and cyber-bullying to make these punishable acts. 
• Bullying is reported to cost the economy $36 billion per year. 

Your Petitioners therefore request that the House: 
• Acknowledge laws are insufficient to protect physical and mental safety. 
• Acknowledge the deaths of Jessica tolhurst [14] and Charlotte Dawson and the public campaigns that ensued calling for bullying-specific laws. 
• Acknowledge many recent cases of suicide purportedly induced by bullying. 
• Recognise 1 in 4 Australian children report being bullied, but many instances go unreported, with research revealing perceived lack of adult interest as the reason. 
• Acknowledge data indicating an increase of 657% in youth self harm and suicide. 
• Amend the crimminal Code compilation Act 1913 section 338E to include: 
o Continuous bullying as a criminal offence; 
o Continuous cyber-bullying as a criminal offence; 
o Continuousbullying or cyber-bullying resulting in psychological harm as a criminal offence; and 
o inciting suicide and self harm by Continuous bullying, cyber-bullying or stalking. 
• Amend the School Education Act 1999 to include Continuous bullying as a form of unacceptable behaviour punishable in accordance with the Crime Code compilation Act 1913 section 338E

Update #18 years ago
Hi Everyone this is petition is for long haul to get laws changed please share petition once a fortnight if your from Western Australia
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