Don't Slash Conservation Funding

President Obama already proposed major cuts to conservation funding that would let 4 million acres of land fall through the cracks.

Now he has called on all non-security federal agencies to cut their budgets by 5%.

There are solutions to the nation's budget woes other than cutting programs that invest in a cleaner future for our air, water and land.

Urge Secretary Vilsack to keep conservation off the chopping block!
Dear Secretary Vilsack,

When you deliver your agency's 5% budget reduction to President Obama, I urge you not to cut conservation dollars.

Slashing these programs will do nothing significant to address our nation's budget problems, while it will dramatically reduce our ability to protect the resources that supply our nation with abundant food and a cleaner environment.

As stewards of over 70% of the land in America, farmers, ranchers and private landowners are critical partners in efforts to find cost-effective solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges.

Voluntary farm bill conservation programs provide support to stewards of working lands who are ready to invest their own time and money into tackling these conservation challenges. Further, these programs provide assistance that helps keep farms and forests as working lands, strengthening both rural America and the environment.

Unfortunately, demand for these programs far outweighs available funding.

We must find other solutions to the nation's budget woes than cutting programs that help rural Americans secure a cleaner future.
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