Demand for the Government to create an independent body to be able to inspect Kennels at any given time, to ensure they are being exercised, walked, well fed and kept in clean conditions

After the South Devon Dog Pitbull Stella has been brought to Public attention under the DDA Act, by an ex employee going Public with her story. I believe it is time that the British Goverment bring in a new independent body seperate to the RSPCA to inspect Kennels throughout Britain.

The new body should be allowed entry into any Kennels at any given time just like the CQC with Care Homes and NHS establishments. They should be allowed to take photographs to build a legal case if needed and seize any animals not being treated in accordance with legislation.

The Goverment needs to come up with an Educative programme for the Staff members of this new team so that all members are properly Educated and aware of what to look for. This should be stronger than the RSPCAs Policy of the Dogs having access to Food and Water and the appearance of faeces in the Kennels.

This programme should also include that evidence is given and shown of Dogs being exercised and walked on a daily basis.

No Dog should have to suffer like Stella the Pitbull.

Dear David Cameron and Members of Parliament, 

After the South Devon Dog Pitbull Stella has been brought to Public attention under the DDA Act, by an ex employee going Public with her story. I believe it is time that the British Goverment bring in a new independent body seperate to the RSPCA to inspect Kennels throughout Britain.

The new body should be allowed entry into any Kennels at any given time just like the CQC with Care Homes and NHS establishments. They should be allowed to take photographs to build a legal case if needed and seize any animals not being treated in accordance with legislation. 

The Goverment needs to come up with an Educative programme for the Staff members of this new team so that all members are properly Educated and aware of what to look for. This should be stronger than the RSPCAs Policy of the Dogs having access to Food and Water and the appearance of faeces in the Kennels. 

This programme should also include that evidence is given and shown of Dogs being exercised and walked on a daily basis. 

No Dog should have to suffer like Stella the Pitbull. She is not the first Dog to be brought to the attention of the Public in the UK for being kept in lesser than compliant conditions in Kennels in the UK and this has to end now. We claim to be a Dog loving nation and it is high time that Dogs are treated equally whether they are in Rescue or in a home.

Kind Regards

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