America's Children Can't Wait -- Strengthen the Child Nutrition Act

The Child Nutrition Act can only be reauthorized once every five years. This is a reauthorization year -- and with 1 in 4 children struggling with hunger and 1 in 3 children obese or overweight, the Child Nutrition Reauthorization could not come at a more critical time.

At least 128 national organizations concerned with the health and welfare of children are joining together to call on Congress to pass a strong child nutrition bill (S. 3307/H.R. 5504). This legislation would strengthen programs like school meals, WIC (supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children), and summer and after-school feeding programs.

If a Child Nutrition Bill is not passed this summer, millions of children will miss out on improved access to the nutritious food they need to learn and grow. Tell Congress that America's children can't wait -- pass stronger nutrition legislation now.

Dear [Decision-Maker],

I'm writing to urge you to pass a strong child nutrition bill (S.3307/H.R. 5504) this summer. This legislation is necessary to strengthen programs like school meals, WIC (supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children), and summer and after-school feeding programs.

[Your comment will be inserted here.]

With 1 in 4 children struggling with hunger and 1 in 3 children obese or overweight, the Child Nutrition Reauthorization could not come at a more critical time. Please address these issues by passing S.3307/H.R. 5504 -- children in the United States can't wait five more years for stronger nutrition legislation.
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