WEF & Canada Human Trafficking: Remote Brainwave Monitoring / Life 3.0 Testing / Zersetzung / Weaponized Institutions

    Case Number: S-229680 Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, Vancouver Registry.

    This matter involves a true account of modern and sophisticated human trafficking by means of a World Economic Forum ("WEF") program, facilitated through the Federal Government of Canada in partnership with private-sector entities, contractors, and civilian actors. It is supported by notarized affidavits.

    Part One: Preliminary Comments

    In 2013, I had the privilege of meeting the CEO of a prominent international consulting firm headquartered in the United States. This person is also a prominent deacon in the Roman Catholic Church. During a conversation I had considered otherwise casual, this person made preemptive reference to an unsettling amount of personal detail regarding myself, suggested my thought life was accessible, and asserted I was a "guinea-pig" in an "international project" by "influential people who wanted to live forever". He further referenced a specific invasive surgery procedure the same surgeon later deemed to be unnecessary. I thought no further on the matter believing the man to be eccentric, and whereas I had been living an otherwise normal life.

    Proximate Historical Events

    In February 2022, I was drawn into a shareholder oppression matter with the CEO of a CAGE (Corporate and Government Entity) company I had worked for in Canada from 2015 through till the end of 2019. In reviewing the legal basis for proceedings in November 2021 in Surrey, BC, my life changed dramatically. I began to be stalked in public on a daily basis, experiencing multiple home and vehicle break-ins, device hacks (laptop and phone), ongoing surveillance including video footage showing of the interior of my residence through a remote laptop (hijack) event, and whereas my internet access was sandboxed through algorithms across my devices, and suffused with content from a coordinated group of online actors, also active on social channels (predominantly youtube and tiktok).

    Alongside the CEO of the same CAGE entity, these actors made appearances through online (hijacked) computer access, and telegraphed events involving my day-to-day life. Aside from continued harassment narratives, this group disseminated narratives germane to my preliminary comments concerning 2013. These events, which have persisted to the time of this posting, are characteristic of zersetzung, first utilized by governments at scale during the Cold War. Many of these activities parallel admissions by Canadian Armed Forces ("CAF") leadership furnished in the Gosselin Reports, first referenced in the Ottawa Citizen in 2021 in regard to social listening, PsyOp, and information warfare operations ("InfoOps") conducted against Canadian citizens. By means of the nature of harassment alone, these actors are subject to criminal prosecution under section 83.221(1) of the Canadian Criminal Code.

    The foregoing has been accompanied by an ongoing InfoOps campaign which impacted existing relationships, business opportunities, and attempts to secure help through both private and public channels, including legal counsel. The production and use of deepfake video content is further believed to be relevant.

    I approached a local RCMP detachment in Surrey, BC, whereas the officer, clad in a Mental Health uniform, requested I meet with him adjacent to the building where he listened to this account but advised the detachment was in no position to help. Days later, I filed a draft petition along with a notarized Affidavit containing incriminating shareholder records at the Vancouver Registry, immediately following a remote computer access event featuring a caricature of the same CAGE entity's CEO.

    On February 16th, 2022, following a series of break-and-enter home invasions and another remote (PC) hijack event featuring the same group threatening imminent abduction, I abandoned my condo rental that same evening, packed whatever belongings I could fit into my car and started driving. I traveled across Canada by car in mid-February 2022 to arrive in Nova Scotia where I currently reside with a relative. The same day I relocated, the windows of my condo unit had been completely covered by an opaque tarp with a Canadian flag. I was repeatedly photographed in the elevator and parking lot as I departed.

    In the days that followed my arrival in Halifax, NS, I was preemptively referred to as a "political target" by the owner of a specialty computer shop, whom I approached to investigate my compromised devices. I was unable to get my PC investigated at any specialty shop. Shortly after my arrival, stalking began in a similar capacity as it had manifested in Surrey and New Westminster BC.

    I continued legal proceedings against the CAGE company, whereas my affidavit records are suffuse with court transcripts and materials which demonstrate systemic obstruction of justice in the court throughout 2022 and early 2023. Examples include several accounts of the Court ignoring its own procedural rules and previous court orders, including an order to subject the CAGE entity's shareholder records to audit review. The same judicial master was said to have retired a day after that hearing. A series of nutty orders followed which ignored any consideration of the evidentiary record, common sense, and the object of justice, as chronicled in recent Affidavit accounts. In December 2022, I opened a case against the Government of Canada as a result of the foregoing and in consideration of violations of the Charter of rights and freedoms and the Privacy Act. My first Affidavit contained only social media evidence and supportive public information exhibits, but the file was sealed by a judge prior to the Defendant parties accepting service of the actual documents. The court later ignored procedural rules in enabling the Defendants to quickly suppress the matter. I was later ordered to pay exorbitant special costs for a hearing that never happened (another Rule violation), whereas I might be rendered homeless in the event they are enforced. All manner of recourse to legal counsel was refused, both private firms and ProBono prior to a conversation on the issues, and an intervention request to the Canadian Bar Association was refused.

    Amid this time, Zersetzung actors in the online group continued their activity and remain active at the time of this writing, and likewise with on-heels stalking in public. In addition to foregoing narratives, including references to judicial interference, online actors would regularly communicate the activities I was involved in on a given day, in addition to referencing proximate themes in my thought life. These actors suggest the latter is possible by means of "human 3.0 technology", which I later discovered is possible by means of neural dust (ie., "smart-dust", or "DARPA Dust"), and echoed by WEF Founder Klaus Schwab as a component in his book, the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Smart-dust was initially developed in 1997 and is capable of translating brain waves to text and images, both transmissible via remote signal networks. My fifth Affidavit, sworn February 27th, 2023, outlines the foregoing groundwork in an information exhibit, and whereas similar concerns have been published recently in the London Guardian on March 4th, 2023 (link).

    Law enforcement agencies, whose task it is to protect citizens and uphold their rights as protected by the Charter in Canada, have consistently acted in a way antithetical to their function. All manner of law enforcement agencies contacted, including the Department of Justice, made concerted attempts to dismiss and/or discredit my requests for help. I was eventually able to secure a lengthy meeting with Halifax Regional Police (1 hour, 19 minutes), which appeared to gain traction. The officer was receptive of my evidentiary record and proposed a path forward to begin an investigation. However, following that meeting, the same officer filed a report with an entirely different account of the meeting and declared me a "mentally-ill person". The same report was obtained via FOIPOP request. This is a criminal code violation pursuant to CCC section 137 pertaining to the fabrication of evidence. I was fortunate in making a covert recording of this same meeting I participated in, lawful per section 183.1 of the CCC, and I furnished the true audio transcript in an Affidavit alongside the false police report in comparison. The advance of MAID (Medically Assistance In Dying) for those suffering solely from mental illness makes this all the more sobering, whereas this is championed by Canada's current Attorney General, David Lametti. MAID has also made its way into commercial advertising (link) in an attempt to invite cultural acceptance.

    Part Two: Who Initiated?

    By way of an evidentiary record connecting the CAGE entity to zersetzung actors and the foregoing events, it might be reasonable to assume that the entirety of the matter might be predicated on the CAGE entity itself. Yet, the evidence does not support this hypothesis, nor would the scope, sophistication, and duration of events justify the cost of the state supporting just one company director. Instead, the evidentiary record suggests the CAGE entity acted in cooperation within a program.

    The Gosselin Reports outline a troubling account of the Canadian state surveiling and profiling its own citizens, and moreover, utilizing its tools and resources, including enlisting the support of civilian actors, to conduct InfoOps and PsyOps on unaware and unsuspecting Canadian Citizens. Whereas there now exists a credible evidentiary record of state-sponsored social engineering, there are further records to consider by way of an examination of materials published by the Government of Canada, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum ("WEF").

    2030 Canada Agenda National Strategy

    The Government of Canada website describes its 2030 Agenda National Strategy as a "shared blueprint" with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development it was predicated on. The text reads as follows:

    "In September 2015, Canada and all United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda), a shared blueprint for partnership, peace and prosperity for all people and the planet, now and into the future. The 2030 Agenda focuses on the commitment to leave no one behind."

    By way of a shared blueprint, there is no provision in the text to suggest that Canada, fundamentally, is an independent artificer of its governance and values. Further, this language does not suggest that the Canadian Government has adopted a discretionary approach to source good policy ideas from the UN as one might source their favorite appetizers at a buffet counter. The blueprint outlines that Canadian Policy Development and Values are tethered to the guidance of a global governance body. To this end, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which has its ultimate basis in the philosophy of 17th century philosopher and theist John Locke, is an official document, but its exercise is superficial in practice. Today, the Charter, in accord with contemporary postmodern assumptions and in consideration of UN governance, is executed in a prejudicial capacity by way of contemporary thinking and by way of the UN accord.

    WEF as Enablement Partner

    On June 19th 2019, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum ("WEF") signed a Strategic Partnership Framework whose objective is to "jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". This document positions the WEF, guided by its founder Klaus Schwab, as an enablement vehicle of the same United Nations 2030 agenda. By means of Canada's shared blueprint in its own 2030 Agenda National Strategy, this positions the relationship between the WEF and the Government of Canada in the same capacity.

    WEF/UN Multi-Stakeholder Governance Model

    Prompted by the uncertainties about the stability of globalization, in 2009 the World Economic Forum (WEF) convened an international expert group to formulate a new system of global governance. This project was led by the three most senior leaders of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – Klaus Schwab, its Executive Chairman; Mark Malloch-Brown, then its Vice-Chairman; and Richard Samans, its Managing Director. One of the concepts proposed by WEF for its aptly named Global Redesign Initiative (GRI) is a system of multi-stakeholder governance as a partial replacement for intergovernmental decision-making.

    Over the 18 months of the GRI programme, WEF created 40 Global Agenda Councils and industry-sector bodies to craft a range of theme specific governance proposals. Each Council consisted of a mix of the corporate, academic, government, entertainment, religious, civil society, and academic worlds. Their 600-page report centers on these thematic proposals, plus a series of policy essays and organizing principles that lay out the WEF framework for a multi-stakeholder governance system.

    Notably, the WEF multi-stakeholder governance proposal does not require approval or disapproval by any intergovernmental body. Absent any intergovernmental action the informal transition to MSG as a partial replacement of multilateralism can just happen.

    In further regard to characteristics, the 2019 accord between the United Nations and the World Economic Forum has invited widespread scrutiny. An open letter was issued to Mr. António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations shortly after the accord was executed. Notable quotes characterize this agreement as follows:

    "This agreement between the UN and WEF formalizes a disturbing corporate capture of the UN. It moves the world dangerously towards a privatized and undemocratic global governance"
    - Gonzalo Berrón, Transnational Institute

    "This strategic agreement is a coup for the corporate leaders at Davos, but what does it offer the UN and the international community? This gives some of the most controversial corporations unprecedented access to the heart of the UN, yet it has not even been properly discussed by the UN's country members and certainly not by the broader public."
    - Harris Gleckman, former UN official & senior fellow at the University of Massachusetts

    "The UN should acknowledge the different roles of private interest and of rights-holders that look after common goods and benefits…The WEF represents the interests of those who destroy the environment and abuse our human rights. It can not be considered a strategic partner in solving the world's crises."
    - Sofia Monsalve, FIAN International Secretary-General

    Based on a consideration of these publications as written, formally promulgated and otherwise, contemporary philosophical underpinnings, the availability of enabling technology, it is reasonable to portend that Canada, in due course, will be indistinguishable from a privileged technocracy to the naked eye. In practical terms, that's what it is at present. Canada's original founding documents are pristine, but they are antagonistic to contemporary postmodern assumptions. Postmodernists reject an objective basis for hope and dialogue by way of an adherence to relativism. Effective dialogue requires universally-accepted parameters to gain traction, which makes dialogue with postmodernist detractors difficult if not impossible in matters concerning core values. By way of the same, recourse for the postmodernist amounts to communities of like-minded people, whereas agendas are pushed forward at the expense of detractors, who are not perceived as Citizens with equal rights, but as obstacles. The same approach is contemplated in 20th Century postmodernist Richard Rorty's Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, a reliable guidebook for postmodernist political theory. The WEF and its adherents call this unity. This mode of unity detracts from its fundamental definition and is antithetical to section 2 of the Charter. Under these conditions, Charter rights are upheld through the lens of prejudicial interest, or in other words, if the upholding of rights yields an innocuous and/or happy outcome in the opinion of the state.

    Readers who reflect on what the WEF and UN actually says can see through political window-dressing, including politicians who claim to recognize problems but are unwilling to act. It is important to understand what these documents actually say, and what they mean. This does matter for your future, and the future of your loved ones.

    Part 3: Why

    WEF Objectives and Roadmap

    Since mid-2020, the WEF has been promoting its vision for a post-coronavirus future, which they call 'The Great Reset'.

    "The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of our old system, and therefore presents an opportunity to 'reset' our world and start anew. What is striking about this plan, which the WEF has condensed into a virus-shaped mindmap, is its implicit endorsement of a philosophy called transhumanism."
    - The World Economic Forum. Phillips, Peter. Giants: The Global Power Elite. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2018. Kindle edition: Loc. 298 of 4928

    Quoting from WEF Founder Klaus Schwab, One of the three main goals of the Great Reset agenda is "to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good…" As the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, explains,

    "The Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities." He specifically considers technologies that will change what it means to be human, because they will integrate into the human body and mind in order to overcome ('transcend') their limitations. As Schwab himself admits, these new technologies can also "intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior…"
    - Schwab, Klaus and Davis, Nicholas. Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Guide to Building a Better World. New York: Currency, 2018. Chapter 1

    Notwithstanding universal adoption of the 2030 UN blueprint, informal relationships and shared perspectives are prevalent. Mr. Schwab has cited that the WEF "penetrates Cabinets" (link). Prime Minister Trudeau and, according to Klaus Schwab, over 80% of his Cabinet, are adherents to WEF doctrines by manner of interest in their own right, with Mr. Trudeau a graduate of Schwab's Global Leaders For Tomorrow school in 1992 alongside Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair. Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of Canada, and Chrystia Freeland, Deputy PM and Finance Minister, are trustees on the WEF Board. The Board, WEF's highest level governance body, is responsible for advancing the objectives of the WEF and acts as guardian of its mission and values.

    WEF recognition spans across party lines. By means of Canada's overarching blueprint shared by the United Nations member states, it is reasonable to assume that any fundamental distinction in parliament would be limited to predetermined parameters, if not cosmetic in nature. Many right-of-center (ie., Conservative, or People's Party) politicians are dismissive of the WEF and at times combative, though these contentions are immaterial compared with the actual text of the resolutions. A contrarian Prime Minister would make Canada a pariah state compared to the remainder of UN member states signed on to the UN blueprint who have aligned policy objectives in accord with the same. In other words, any hope that a reconfigured Parliament would stymie the overarching agenda of the UN and its WEF enablement mechanism in this country would be remote in the absence of widespread citizen protest. It is more likely the miscarriage in justice my situation presents would used to justify further change. In view of the shared UN blueprint, there is no material provision to suggest that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ("SDG's") could be "uniquely Canadian" in a mode of expression that fundamentally detracts from the vision and implementation methods promulgated by the United Nations and its enablement partner, the WEF.

    Fourth Industrial Revolution & Human Rights

    As detailed in his writings, Mr. Schwab predicates the enablement of the United Nations 2030 mandate on the Fourth Industrial Revolution to the extent that its absence would render the same agenda untenable. This opinion is further validated in consideration of the 17 SDG metrics themselves, which in consideration of their scope, would be unable to be achieved without drastic changes to the lived reality we are currently accustomed to. To that end, the characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are believed to be inexorably entwined with the execution of the SDG's themselves, and this is in fact the objective of the WEF. Whereas Mr. Schwab ascribes scaled technological artifice associated with the same to be invasive (here, and by Dr. Harari here), this raises questions regarding the relationship between the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Ie. Transhumanism), and human rights.

    Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, top advisor to WEF Founder Klaus Schwab, is considered to be a principal artificer and brain trust behind initiatives to further the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Dr. Yuval maintains,

    "There are no gods, no nations, no money and no human rights, except in our collective imagination."
    Sapiens, ISBN 978-0062316097

    Dr. Yuval predicates consideration of the fourth industrial revolution is best directed toward existential and sustainability challenges;

    "The global order is now like a house that everybody inhabits and nobody repairs. It can hold on for a few more years, but if we continue like this, it will collapse – and we will find ourselves back in the jungle of omnipresent war. We have forgotten what it's like, but believe me as a historian – you don't want to be back there. It is far, far worse than you imagine. Yes, our species has evolved in that jungle and lived and even prospered there for thousands of years, but if we return there now, with the powerful new technologies of the twenty-first century, our species will probably annihilate itself."
    Address to the WEF, Jan 24, 2020

    Mr. Schwab expands on these sentiments in his address to the WEF concerning the fourth industrial revolution in further consideration of the capability and willingness of humanity to affect positive change in its own right;

    "The 4th industrial revolution it doesn't change what you are doing. It changes you. If you take genetic editing as an example, it is you who are changed. Of course it has a big impact on your identity. The new industrial revolution offers us many new opportunities."
    WEF Founder Klaus Schwab (clip)

    Mr. Schwab was joined in a WEF panel discussion by Google co-founder Sergey Brin in discussing the implementation of technologies germane to the fourth industrial revolution at scale, as an enablement mechanism to the UN's sustainable development goals. Mr. Schwab opines;

    "Can you imagine in 10 years when we are sitting here, we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel – because you all will have implants. I can measure your brain waves and I can immediately tell you how the people react, or I can feel how the people react to your answers," Schwab said to Brin, who looked on with amazement. "You cannot stop it."
    WEF Panel w/ Klaus Schwab & Google Founder Sergey Brin, 2017 (link).

    Language in the Canada National Agenda 2030, mirroring the UN framework it is predicated upon, calls for a whole-of-society change, leaving "no person behind". Dr. Yuval comments on the ultimate realization of a culture informed by the adjustments the UN calls for, following a "decade of unstoppable change" to achieve the "required transformations" (link).

    Those who fail in the struggle against irrelevance would constitute a new "useless class" – people who are useless not from the viewpoint of their friends and family, but useless from the viewpoint of the economic and political system. And this useless class will be separated by an ever-growing gap from the ever more powerful elite.
    Address to the WEF, Jan 24, 2020

    Biodigital Convergence Testing ("Humanity+, or Life 3.0")

    WEF publications, promulgated formally and otherwise, cannot be dismissed as casual table-talk. Discussion around transhumanist ideas as the enabler of the UN Sustainability Objectives invite serious consideration as to what that means today, tomorrow, and what our future might look like ten years from now and later. Ultimately, were it not for the power of enabling technologies, a complete fulfillment of the 17 SDG's as written, similar to what one might envision when watching Star Trek, would be a pipe dream. This consideration must be coupled with a population that is generally used to the status quo, and have built lives around the same. The question remains how to reconcile these two realities in a way that can allow UN objectives to be fulfilled in a timely manner through widespread adoption. Many thinkers such as Dr. Jordan Peterson have opined about the need to "get transhumanism right", as ultimately its manifestation and integration into society might be considered inevitable, and ultimately, such radical change gone awry can have catastrophic implications. By way of the same considerations, it is reasonable to assume new technologies would be tested. I explore this theme in a recent Affidavit.

    Remote Brainwave Data Collection: Precognitive Evidence, DARPA Dust, and Human Guinea Pigs

    A focus has been placed on the utility of precognitive brainwave data as it might be applied to judicial proceedings and the justice system. A WEF panel discussed this in the context of the judicial system in 2016 (link), and whereas, it is argued that a precognitive evidentiary record might preclude miscarriage in justice. Further proponents of the use of AI in the justice system have suggested that the availability of precognitive data, either collected real-time or stored in DNA, would enable all people, regardless of socioeconomic class, to enjoy equal access to justice in such a way where records could not be falsified, outdated bureaucracy could not stifle justice, and likewise, concern over judicial bribery could be precluded. Of note, a study by Yale Law School outlined that over one million bribes are paid into the US judicial system per year, and a proportional amount in Canada (link). Still other proponents have suggested AI could replace the judiciary and law enforcement in due course. WEF Davos 2023 presenters explored the use of integrated brainwave (ie "Metaverse") applications recently (link).

    US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has gone so far as to suggest that conscious human testimony is at best unreliable, and whereas precognitive elements are a required component in law. DARPA has cited the same through their Neural Evidence Aggregation Tool (NEAT) program, and whereas DARPA's neural dust program, a feasible enablement vehicle for the same, has been under research since 1997 (link). It is noteworthy to mention that the foregoing is just the technology the public is currently aware of. The "good stuff" always gets revealed to the public a decade or so later.

    In terms of a precognitive evidentiary record in action, a suitable illustration can be found in this episode of Silicon Valley (see link, 1:00 - 1:55), whereas biometric memory storage could solve issues around evidence collection and be applied to all people, including those who may not have ready access to justice. I explore in a recent Affidavit why an aware and consensual test subject may not have been used.

    In my own situation, and as chronicled in my Affidavit accounts, I have been precluded from any and all recourse, institutional and otherwise, throughout this account. Those who I did work with compromised me through wilful negligence (ref. former counsel, First Affidavit). My life has been systematically dismantled, whereas I have been without work for over a year, harassed continually in person and online, and am beaten to a pulp by Canadian institutions that function in an opposite way to which they are intended. My international bank account was also hit. Whereas I am an otherwise innocuous person who once had a successful career and lived quietly minding my own business, the only way this would make sense, further considering the nature of surveillance and access to thought life, is through considering a preliminary test mechanism conducted by the WEF.

    My evidentiary record suggests I have been a data-collection mule for the past decade. The state (Canada) is in the process of bankrupting me through a weaponized judicial system as I type this. Recently, a BC Court of Appeal registrar certified $45,000 in costs for an Appeal that never happened (violates section 44(1) of the Court of Appeal Act). I expect the same precedent to be carried forward. Had I not relocated from Surrey, BC a year ago, I might not still be alive. My collection of affidavits and exhibit materials establish the foregoing. I have no recourse, and whereas, the only reason I have been able to endure is my faith in God. Otherwise, I would have no reasonable hope of any future.

    As regards my BIO, prior to this dilemma, I had been content in living an otherwise ordinary life. Information germane to my BIO is included in an Affidavit made May 20th, 2022. I am not a political activist, nor am involved with any activist and/or political groups. I consider myself an innocuous centrist with an academic background. I have no criminal record at the time of this writing. My foregoing reflection is compiled through the study of original materials available to the public as promulgated by the United Nations, the WEF, and the Government of Canada. Materials germane to my personal account are furnished in my Affidavit materials, and are true accounts of my personal experience.

    Part Four: My Ask

    My public ask for support is predicated on the fact that I have exhausted all other viable means of recourse. Notwithstanding a culture of quiet quitting in today's workforce, the evidentiary record outlines an account of prolonged systemic and intentional negligence.

    This is not a matter of vectoring my request for help to proper channels - I have tried that ad-nauseam as my Affidavit records attest to. The issue is that law enforcement, the courts, and regulators refused to do the job that is required of them to begin with. Citizens beset by these situations should not be expected to take ownership for institutional negligence and the wrongdoing of bad actors.

    In this set of circumstances, who might help? My outreach does not target those who are on board with the WEF vision. It does not target those who might be sympathetic to my plight, but are reticent to act for fear they might jeopardize their own interests (notwithstanding section 13 of the Charter). Finally, it does not target those who might attempt to pass the buck. Ie., "you have to go through such-and-such an agency…". I tried everything. My outreach is directed to witnesses who are willing to step forward and do the right thing for its own sake. It is as simple as people deciding to do the right thing for its own sake. If any of this rings a bell, you know who I am and how to reach me. For everyone else, please take this to heart – it has actually happened, and is happening in Canada.

    How can you help?

    First, sign the petition, and then share it!

    If you have been privy to video footage, chat logs, or similar evidentiary materials, as some suggested they have been, please bring it forward. The alternative is to follow the money; a provision made available through section 241(3.1) of the Income Tax Act and exceptions to the same rule under 241(3) as is reflected in a recent Affidavit. In consideration of the same records, the file represents an occasion for the enforcement of the Income Tax Act in its own right under section 222, whereas disclosure is permitted via section 241(3)(b). This includes notarized commercial invoices and/or agreements (ie - DND contracts or otherwise), charitable donation records, tax audit records (ie - share transfers), among other records.

    Receipts and communication records exist for this. No human being should be subject to human trafficking or sacrificed as a guinea-pig in a Humanity 3.0 brainwave experiment. Yet, there are enough brainwashed ideologues in key leadership positions today that believe the same to be permissible to achieve their vision of a sustainable future and are willing to use you and your children as expendable guinea pigs because doing so means a better future for everyone else... These people are delusional, but they were also elected just as Hitler was.

    Thank you so much for your support!

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