STOP Etsy's ban on Metaphysical items!

  • by: Ashley
  • recipient:

Etsy has begun banning sales of metaphysical and targeting their sellers. This is discrimination against Pagan and Wiccan faiths. Many stores have already been closed! Help us petition etsy! This will only take a moment of your time. 

Thank you!

Update #29 years ago
Etsy may allow some metaphysical items, if they are for another purpose, like entertainment, & make no promise of effect. To be clear- religious bias is undermining religious tools by claiming their effects are less valid. An Etsy rep said to the Washington post that "[Metaphysical items] prey on the desperate." A biased opinion on the validity of our beliefs. Respect the practices of all religious groups! Never pertain to judge or question them because they may differ from the norm.

Update #19 years ago
Thank you for all each of you have done to bring this cause to light. I will be providing updates as they unfold regarding ETSY's decision to ban metaphysical goods, on my facebook page at:

Brightest Blessings to all!
-Ashley/Astrelle of
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