Name new Stockport public Square Andrew Roughley Square.

The town hall's response to a Freedom of Information request has now revealed that the most popular choice was Andy Roughley.

Nearly 750 people wanted the well-known charity worker and event organiser to be honoured.

Stockport Council ignored it. Now we want you to change their mind by signing this petition for the 750 people they ignored.


Care2 says: Whilst it's great that the council want to honour local women, they should have initially asked for suggestions from the public for local women, if that was their primary criteria. Asking the public for general suggestions, then ignoring the popular vote for Andy Roughley, suggests that the council's move to honouring local women was an afterthought. As local people have said, "Suffragette Square" provides no specific connection to local people, as even the four local women it's intended to honour remain anonymous under this name. 

See Manchester Evening News for more on this story.

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