It's June, which means it's time for the great annual queer paradox - when dozens of corporations who actively fund anti-gay politicians pretend to be allies for a month. As the rainbow-flag branding begins, and companies across the world market their products to queer people, it's important to remember that many of them support extremely oppressive and homophobic state and federal legislators. In the last year alone, Verizon and AT&T spent a whopping $1.6 million funding anti-LGBTQ+ politicians.
Sign now to demand Verizon and AT&T immediately halt funding to any politician who has supported the recent wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation and instead support groups working to protect queer people!
As pride month getes co-opted by rainbow capitalists, it is crucial we remember the roots of the celebration: queer liberation and resistance against police and state violence, not opportunities for giant corporations to make an extra buck. The point of dedicating a month to the celebration of queer identities is not to give corporations an opportunity to queerbait and capitalize on LGBTQ+ aesthetics. And yet this is precisely what Verizon and AT&T are doing.
While Verizon waves its rainbow flag and tweets advertisements showing alleged support for queer people, it has received a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. The multinational conglomerate has also given money directly to candidates who ban trans athletes from participating in sporting events (transphobia ground zero). AT&T, on the other hand, hasn't fared much better. The telecommunications giant has funded some of the most notoriously homophobic and transphobic candidates in the country, including trans-hating Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Ron "Don't Say Gay" DeSantis in Florida.
We cannot tolerate this co-optation any longer. It is time that Verizon and AT&T take responsibility for the harm that they've funded and immediately halt any contributions to politicians who have or are currently supporting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. And if they actually want to demonstrate that they care, this money must be rerouted to support grassroots organizations who are actually working to protect and advance the rights of queer folks. Sign now if you agree!