End Deadly Truck Side Underride Crashes: Mandate Side Guards

The tragic Tesla fatal crash on May 7, 2016, highlights a real and present highway danger -- cars sliding underneath large trucks when vehicles collide. No matter what caused the Tesla crash, the driver might have lived if the truck had had side guards.

U.S. & Canadian safety advocates are calling for an end to preventable truck underride tragedies. Hundreds of people die every year when pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and passenger vehicles go underneath trucks.

See The Today Show's report on this issue:  http://tinyurl.com/jknunw4

It can happen to anyone -- even if their car has a 5-Star Crash Rating. It can happen anywhere. It happened to AnnaLeah (17) & Mary Karth (13), when their car went under the rear of a semi-trailer on May 4, 2013, in Georgia. And it happened to Jessica Holman-Price (21) when she went under the side of a truck as a pedestrian on December 19, 2005, in Canada.

U.S. regulators have debated for decades about how to stop the tragedy of underride deaths -- including, since 1969, the possibility of requiring underride protection to be added to the sides of large trucks. But they have not done so, even though engineers have already found ways to solve this problem.

It's time for NHTSA to mandate side guards and for the trucking industry to start installing them.

NBC News on Deadly Side Underride: http://tinyurl.com/hhk5kpf

Speak up for victims like Jessica, Mary, and AnnaLeah. Let our government & trucking industry leaders know that you want them to act NOW to SAVE LIVES.

Side Guards: What You Need to Know & Do:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga_Sb0qnkH0

In light of the tragic and unnecessary countless loss of lives which delays in underride prevention have already cost, as well as the continued tragic and preventable loss of life sure to occur if decisive action is not taken now, we are hereby petitioning:

1. President Trump to immediately sign a Vision Zero Executive Order to authorize Vision Zero rulemaking policies which will impact all DOT safety regulations and save more lives;

2. DOT to act immediately and apply Vision Zero rulemaking principles by crafting a truck underride final rule to include rear (both centered and offset) and side guards for both Single Unit Trucks and trailers;

3. Congress to support a comprehensive and effective truck underride standard; and

4. Leaders in the trucking industry to act immediately and support efforts to equip all trucks with effective underride protection.

We can do this. Together, we can save lives. Someone is counting on us. . .

Successful Side Guard Crash Tests in the U.S.:

For more information: http://annaleahmary.com/

Jerry & Marianne tell the story of their loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

President Trump, Secretary Chao, Senator Thune, and Leaders in the Trucking Industry,

The tragic Tesla fatal crash on May 7, 2016, highlights a real and present highway danger -- cars sliding underneath large trucks when vehicles collide. No matter what caused the Tesla crash, the driver might have lived if the truck had had side guards.

U.S. & Canadian safety advocates are calling for an end to preventable truck underride tragedies. Hundreds of people die every year when pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and passenger vehicles go underneath trucks.

It can happen to anyone -- even if their car has a 5-Star Crash Rating. It can happen anywhere. It happened to AnnaLeah (17) & Mary Karth (13), when their car went under the rear of a semi-trailer on May 4, 2013, in Georgia. And it happened to Jessica Holman-Price (21) when she went under the side of a truck as a pedestrian on December 19, 2005, in Canada.

U.S. regulators have debated for decades about how to stop the tragedy of underride deaths -- including, since 1969, the possibility of requiring underride protection to be added to the sides of large trucks. But they have not done so, even though engineers have already found ways to solve this problem.

It's time for NHTSA to mandate side guards and for the trucking industry to start installing them.

Therefore, in light of the tragic and unnecessary countless loss of lives which delays in underride prevention have already cost, as well as the continued tragic and preventable loss of life sure to occur if decisive action is not taken now, the signers of this petition:

1. Call on President Trump to immediately sign a Vision Zero Executive Order to authorize Vision Zero rulemaking policies which will impact all DOT safety regulations and save more lives;

2. Call on DOT to act immediately and apply Vision Zero rulemaking principles by crafting a truck underride final rule -- with crash test-based performance standards rather than force-based design standards along with success at higher speeds -- to include rear (both centered and offset) and side guards for both Single Unit Trucks and trailers;

3. Call on Congress to support a comprehensive and effective truck underride standard; and

4. Call on leaders in the trucking industry to act immediately and support efforts to equip all trucks with effective underride protection.

We can do this. Together, we can save lives. Someone is counting on us. . .


Jerry & Marianne Karth, along with all signers of this petition

Update #47 years ago
Lois Durso and I actually got to speak with Senator Thune in DC on March 15. We handed him a binder with the Side Guard Petition and thousands of your signatures, sharing the story of our daughters and the solutions available to end deadly truck underride. Thanks for your support! Keep sharing the petition!

Update #37 years ago
Please pray for Lois Durso (whose daughter died in a side underride crash) & I to get a meeting with Senator Thune to discuss action on side guards. We will be in DC next week & have not yet been able to get that set up. And we will be at a truck industry meeting in Nashville next week; pray for us to be effective advocates there.

Also, please read this recent post about side guards, "NBC News Updates Article on Today Show Side Uunderride Report": http://tinyurl.com/jgfdftc
Update #27 years ago
I just received a notification of two new postings to the Federal Register of a Public Comment asking DOT/NHTSA to mandate side guards! I am assuming that someone responded to my request for people to do so to help bring about change. :)

See it here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2015-0118-0049

You can do it, too! SUBMIT a Public Comment to DOT/NHTSA here: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=NHTSA-2015-0118 After you get to this site, click on the COMMENT NOW button.
Update #18 years ago
Here are 4 additional ways you can help:

+ Submit a Public Comment to DOT/NHTSA here. https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=NHTSA-2015-0118

+ Write to the 8 major trailer manufacturers. http://annaleahmary.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Contact-Information-for-Major-Trailer-Manufacturers-1.pdf

+ Donate to side guard research. https://www.fortrucksafety.com/

+ Contact your legislators. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
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