Say NO to 15,000 pigs behind bars in a single factory 'farm'

  • by: polly Folley
  • recipient:

We are working to fight plans to build a giant pig factory farm in Antrim, Northern Ireland, that will house more than 15,000 pigs in what will essentially be the biggest in Ireland and the UK. Yes, 15,000 pigs imprisoned behind bars.*

Pigs are among the most intelligent mammals. This is both a cruel way to keep them and it will also affect the environment

  1. Increased environmental pollution
  2. Increased traffic and noise
  3. Risk to human health.

Confining such huge numbers of animals in this way deprives them of the ability to perform many of their natural behaviours, which can cause terrible suffering, especially in animals as intelligent as pigs. It is also impossible to monitor the wellbeing of individual animals when there are so many, meaning that any who become sick are likely to go unnoticed.

Not only will this extend their suffering, but with such crowded conditions, it will also mean that diseases spread rapidly and have the potential to transmit to farm workers and out into the community.

With so many animals confined in these units, it would also be impossible to evacuate them in the event of an emergency, potentially resulting in terrible suffering and a huge loss of life. Farm fires are not uncommon and just such an event at a smaller farm in County Armagh caused the deaths of over 4,000 pigs in April 2014.

Please sign this petition now to email Antrim Council Planning Office to tell them you oppose the pig farm plan.

The way to protest this planning permission agreement which has most chance of succeeding is to campaign against environmental pollution. So, that is what we are doing.

*Originally the plans suggested there would be 30,000 pigs housed in this new facility. After public pressure via this petition, the plans have been amended to now state it will be closer to 15,000. This is still unacceptable, so please keep sharing and signing.

Email will be sent to:

Objection to planning application LA03 2015 0051 F 

Dear Antrim and Newtownabbey Council Planning Office:

I am writing to you to lodge a formal objection to the planned pig farm off Reahill Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim (Ref: LA03/2015/0051/F). The proposed plans constitute a major risk to both human and animal wellbeing and are a serious threat to the local environment.

Confining such huge numbers of animals in this way deprives them of the ability to perform many of their natural behaviours, which can cause terrible suffering, especially in animals as intelligent as pigs. It is also impossible to monitor the wellbeing of individual animals when there are so many, meaning that any who become sick are likely to go unnoticed.

Not only will this extend their suffering, but with such crowded conditions, it will also mean that diseases spread rapidly and have the potential to transmit to farm workers and out into the community. With so many animals confined in these units, it would also be impossible to evacuate them in the event of an emergency, potentially resulting in terrible suffering and a huge loss of life.

Farm fires are not uncommon and just such an event at a smaller farm in County Armagh caused the deaths of over 4,000 pigs in April 2014. Factory farms such as this are known to be detrimental to the wellbeing of animals and, whilst I appreciate that animal welfare is not a planning consideration, I believe it should have a bearing in this instance, particularly given the scale of animal suffering that could result.

A farm of this size will also produce large quantities of waste, posing a further health and environmental hazard. The smell from such a large quantity of slurry will have a negative impact on the lives of local people, and there is a real risk that it could leak into local waterways, causing pollution, as has happened at other farms in the UK.

I understand that Hall's Pig Farm (the site developer) has already been responsible for water pollution in the area, clearly demonstrating that the owners are irresponsible when it comes to such matters. This is a nationally significant development and allowing it to proceed would set a dangerous precedent for the future intensification of animal farming in the UK. I strongly urge you to reject the proposed plans.

[Your name, address and email]

Update #57 years ago
If you are local to Antrim, Northern Ireland: A meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday 22 November 2016 at 6.30pm. You must apply to attend in order to object in person before noon on Friday 18th November. Email for permission. More info here.
Update #48 years ago
Good news! But the fight is not over. The pig farmer has said he'll reduce the size of the pig factory, but hasn't said by how much. He'll be submitting an altered application. The council say existing and new opposition letters will still stand, as such I have re-opened my petition to the council planning office. Let's keep the pressure up - please share this petition, particularly with people in the UK.
Update #39 years ago
Help! The RSPCA promotes factory farming for pigs. Please sign my petition. and tell them this is wrong. Thanks
Update #29 years ago
The response to this campaign has been incredible. Please follow the Irish campaign on Facebook to stop this mega-factory farm from going ahead. We have not won yet. In Ireland, the Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) are fighting hard to stop it please support them by liking and following their FB page for campaign updates as this campaign will go on for a while longer. Here is the link, Thank you.
Update #19 years ago
Many thanks for your support. Much greater than ever anticipated. I am hoping to reach 250,000 signatures and so send it additionally to ministers responsible for farming in the UK, N Ireland and S Ireland, to tell them that this kind of farming is not acceptable - confining animals in cramped, dirty, unnatural, stressful conditions where there only hope is death. Please pass this petition on. We need every signature we can get. My kind regards to everyone. Polly
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