Stop the Yulin dog slaughter

I have a Border Collie, Colin and he turns seven today. He is loved and a family member. I make this petition for him as a birthday gift. I want to think of all the dogs who have not that luck to live in a family who love them and treat them well. There are still many countries where dogs are being tortured and cruelly killed. In Yulin/China, on the 21st of June this year again thousands of dogs will be slaughtered to end up on Chinese plates. Du Yufeng, founder of the Guangyuan Boai Animal center, has been fighting for years to stop this massacre and save dogs. Please sign this petition and protest with me against this ritual and support Du Yufeng's devotion to save dogs. Please don't look away. Together we can make a change.

Please also sign Yulin petition here. Thank you.
Update #59 years ago

There's still time to stop this festival, or at least generate so much negative attention that attendance drops, some of the dogs are saved, and future festivals are cancelled. Please share now. I had problems with downloading the signatures but could sent them to the Mayor of Yulin.
Update #49 years ago
URGENT! The 2015 Yulin dog-eating festival is Sunday! Please share this petition as widely as you can to save these 10,000 dogs and puppies.

There's still time to stop this festival, or at least generate so much negative attention that attendance drops, some of the dogs are saved, and future festivals are cancelled. Please share now, we can do this!
Update #310 years ago
Dear friends, A good friend, Gabriela Baldaia has forwarded this link to me
Please sign and share it. Help stop this massacre
There is still time. Thank you.
Update #210 years ago
Dear friends, I forwarded a letter and the signatures to the Mayor of Yulin and the Chinese government with Ismail´s help. I will leave the petition open to collect even more signatures and send it again if necessary. They must realize that we care for the welfare of these dogs and that we will not give up until they prohibit this barbaric killing now and always. Thanks for your support
Update #110 years ago
Only a few days left before I close the petition and forward it to the mayor of Yulin. Please help me get some more signatures and wish me good luck.
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